hwe was added to the hws of the previous page. — Ineuw talk 16:58, 8 January 2018 (UTC) (Wikisource contributor note)
surgeon, to whose chair he succeeded. His nephew is a leading man of science, but he left no children.
It was at Glasgow, where the infirmary was a hotbed of septic disease, that Lister, using the discovery of Pasteur that decomposition in organic substances is due to living germs which are descended from parents like themselves, applied the antiseptic treatment in surgery, an advance only paralleled by that of the discovery of antiseptics. It was not an isolated discovery, but was preceded and followed by important researches, which led up to it and perfected it. Perhaps no one else has accomplished so much as Lister for the relief of suffering and the prevention of premature death.
We record with regret the death of Professor George Jarvis Brush, the eminent mineralogist of Yale University, and of Dr. Waldemar Koch, of the University of Chicago, known for his researches in physiological chemistry.
M. Lippman has been elected president, and Professor Guyon vice president, of the Paris Academy of Sciences.—The Academy of Sciences at Bologna has awarded the Élie de Cyon prize of 3,000 lire to Professor E. A. Schäfer, of Edinburgh.—Among the British honors are knighthoods conferred on Professor W. F. Barrett, F.R.S., formerly professor of physics in the Royal College of Science, Dublin, and Professor E. B. Tylor, F.R.S., emeritus professor of anthropology in the University of Oxford.—It is proposed to have painted and to present to the American Philosophical Society a portrait of its president, Dr. William W. Keen, who, on January 19, celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday.