< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 59

I N D E X.

Academic Freedom Here and Abroad 317
Academies, International Association of 217
Academy, National, of Sciences 217
Agricultural Experiment Station, Wisconsin 222
American Association for the Advancement of Science 218
American Association for the Advancement of Science 305
""Denver Meeting 506
""Denver Meeting 600
Analgesia, Cocaine, of the Spinal Cord, Smith Ely Jeliffe 280
André on the Planet Eros 414
Andrews, E. A., The Frog as a Parent 68
Antarctic Expeditions, British and German 104
Antarctic Expeditions, British and German 319
Antarctica 505
Arctic Exploration 602
Arsenic in English Beer 106
Association, International, of Academies 217
"American, for the Advancement of Science 218
"American, for the Advancement of Science 305
"Denver Meeting 506
"Denver Meeting 600
Atkinson, Edward, Food and Land Tenure 568
Atmosphere, Hydrogen and the 107
"Inert Constituents of the, W. Ramsay 581
Atoms, Bodies Smaller than, J. J. Thomson 323
Aurora Australis, as Observed from the 'Belgica,' Frederick A. Cook 21

B., F. A., A Viking Philosopher 596
Babcock on Ensilage 222
Beer, English, Arsenic in 106
Beet Sugar Industry, Progress in the U. S. 102
Biological Station, The Greatest in the World, W. A. Herdman 419
Bird Study, Francis H. Herrick 199
Blood of the Nation, David Starr Jordan 90
Blood of the Nation, David Starr Jordan 129
Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Frank Waldo 290
Bodies Smaller than Atoms, J. J. Thomson 323
Body, Pose of the, George T. Stevens 390
Bolton on Evolution of the Thermometer 315
Botanical, Books 102
"Garden, New York 219
Botany, Fossil, Scott's Studies in 102
"Percival's Agricultural 102
British, Antarctic Expedition 104
British, Antarctic Expedition 319
"Congress of Tuberculosis 508
Britton's Manual of the Plants of Eastern United States 220

Calkins, Gary N., Malaria-Germ and Allied Forms of Sporozoa 189
Cancer, Yellow Fever and, Causes of 319
Carbonic Acid, Climate and, Bailey Willis 242
Carnegie, Museum, W. J. Holland 3
"Schools 413
Cavendish, Henry, C. K. Edmunds 431
Cement Industry 409
Cheyney, Edward P., The Great Mortality 402
Chicago, Celebrations at Glasgow and 412
Chloroform, Ether and, C. Herrman 408
Climate and Carbonic Acid, Bailey Willis 242
Cocaine Analgesia of the Spinal Cord, Smith Ely Jeliffe 280
Color Vision, Primitive, W. H. R. Rivers 44
Comet, The Recent 508
Commission to investigate Plague in San Francisco 105
Constituents, Inert, of the Atmosphere 581
Cook, Frederick A., Aurora Australis as Observed from the 'Belgica,' 21
Cremation of Towns' Refuse 410

Davenport, C. B., The Statistical Study of Evolution 447
Death Rate, Decreased, in United States 601
Deluge, Geology and the, X. Plain 408
"Again, Y. Obscure 504
Discussion and Correspondence 408
Discussion and Correspondence 504
Discussion and Correspondence 596
Duffield, John T., The Discovery of the Law of Gravitation 475
Dujardin-Beaumetz on the Toxic Action of Alcohols 107

Eclipse, Total, of the Sun 109
Edmunds, C. K., Henry Cavendish 431
Electricity, Practical Applications of 220
Ellis, Havelock, A Study of British Genius 59
Ellis, Havelock, A Study of British Genius 209
Ellis, Havelock, A Study of British Genius 266
Ellis, Havelock, A Study of British Genius 373
Ellis, Havelock, A Study of British Genius 441
Endowments, Scientific and Educational 318
Engineering, Mechanical, Progress and Tendency in Nineteenth Century, Robert H. Thurston 34
Engineering, Mechanical, Progress and Tendency in Nineteenth Century, Robert H. Thurston 141
"Recent Contributions to 409
Ensilage, Investigations at the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station 222
Enzymes, Soluble Ferments or, Edwin O. Jordan 497
Eros, The Planet 414
Ether and Chloroform, C. Herrman 408
Ethics as a Science 101
Evolution, Statistical Study of, C. B. Davenport 447
Explorations, Recent Polar 104
Explorations, Recent Polar 602
Ferments, Soluble, or Enzymes, Edwin O. Jordan 497

Fog Studies on Mount Tamalpais, Alexander McAdie 535
Food and Land Tenure, Edward Atkinson 568
Forest Reservations, J. W. Toumey 115
Forestry, The New, Simpson's 102
Free-Will and the Credit for Good Actions, George Stuart Fullerton 526
Fricker's Antarctic Regions 505
Frog as a Parent, E. A. Andrews 68
Fullerton, George Stuart, Free-Will and the Credit for Good Actions 526

Gaylord on Cause of Cancer 319
Genius, Study of British, Havelock Ellis 59
Genius, Study of British, Havelock Ellis 209
Genius, Study of British, Havelock Ellis 266
Genius, Study of British, Havelock Ellis 373
Genius, Study of British, Havelock Ellis 441
Geographical Society, Royal, and the British Antarctic Expedition 319
Geology and the Deluge, X. Plain 408
"Again, Y. Obscure 504
German Antarctic Expedition 104
Gilbert of Colchester, Brother Potamian 337
Glasgow and Chicago, Celebrations at 412
Goodrich's Economic Disposal of Towns' Refuse 410
Gravitation, Discovery of the Law of, John T. Duffield 475
Gregory, Professor J. W., and Polar Explorations 104

Halsted, Byron D., Plants as Water-carriers 492
Harvard College Observatory 218
Herdman, W. A., The Greatest Biological Station in the World 419
Herrick, Francis H., The Wild Bird at Arm's Length 199
Herrman, C., Ether and Chloroform 408
Holland, W. J., The Carnegie Museum 3
Howard on Mosquitoes 599
Howe, James Lewis, Periodic Law 152
Hyde, James Nevins, The Late Epidemic of Smallpox in the United States 557
Hydrogen in the Atmosphere and Boiling-point of 107

Inert Constituents of the Atmosphere, W. Ramsay 581
Injurious Constituents of Distilled Liquors 106
Innis on the Recent Comet 508
International Association of Academies 217
Inventions 505
Irrigation, Schuyler on 409
Italian, An, in America, K 598

James, William, Frederic Meyers's Service to Psychology 380
Janssen on the Cause of New Stars 109
Jeliffe, Smith Ely, Cocaine Analgesia of the Spinal Cord 280
Johns Hopkins University and President Remsen 317
Jordan, David Starr, The Blood of the Nation 90
Jordan, David Starr, The Blood of the Nation 129
Jordan, Edwin O., The Soluble Ferments or Enzymes 497

K., An Italian in America 598
Koch, Robert, The Combating of Tuberculosis 461

Land Tenure, Food and, Edward Atkinson 568
Law of Gravitation, Discovery of the, John T. Duffield, 475
Le Conte, Joseph, Death of 415
Lunt on the Recent Comet 508

McAdie, Alexander, Fog Studies on Mount Tamalpais 535
MacDougal's Practical Plant Physiology 220
McKinley, President, Death of 604
Malaria, and Mosquitoes 105
"Germ, and Allied Forms of Sporozoa, Gary N. Calkins 189
Manson on Mosquitoes and Malaria 105
Memorial Institution, Washington 411
Meteorological Observatory, Blue Hill, Frank Waldo 290
Meteorology at Harvard Observatory 218
""Blue Hill Observatory 290
Meyers, Frederic, his Service to Psychology, William James 380
Mezes's Ethics, Descriptive and Explanatory 101
Minot, Charles Sedgwick, Portrait of 418
Monkeys, Intelligence of, Edward L. Thorndike 273
Monthly, The, Two Remarks concerning 510
Mortality, The Great, Edward P. Cheyney 402
"Statistics 601
Mosquitoes, Malaria and 105
Mosquitoes, Malaria and 599
"Transmission of Yellow Fever by, George M. Sternberg 225
Murray's Compilation of Antarctic Information 505
Museum, Carnegie, W. J. Holland 3

Naples Biological Station, W. A. Herdman 419
Nation, Blood of the, David Starr Jordan 90
National Academy of Sciences 217
New York Botanical Garden 219
Nipher on Exposure of Photographic Plates 108

Observatory, Harvard College 218
"The Blue Hill Meteorological, Frank Waldo 290
Oppolzer on the Planet Eros 414

Paléobotanique, Zeiller's Éléments de 102
Parent, The Frog as a, E. A. Andrews 68
Percival's Agricultural Botany 102
Periodic Law, James Lewis Howe 152
Philippines, Peopling of the, Rud. Virchow 257
Philippines, Peopling of the, Rud. Virchow 351
Philosopher, A Viking, F. A. B 596
Philosophy, Science and, R. M. Wenley 361
Photographic Plates, Development of, in Daylight 108
Photography in Total Eclipse 109
Physics 599
Physiology, Recent, G. N. Stewart 81
Pilsbry, Henry A., The Evidence of Snails on Changes of Land and Sea 284
Plague in San Francisco 105
Planet Eros 414
Plants as Water-carriers, Byron D. Halsted 492
Polar Explorations, Recent 104
Pose of the Body, George T. Stevens 390
Potamian, Brother, Gilbert of Colchester 337
Poulsen and the Telegraphone 413
Prelini's Tunneling 409
Progress of Science 104
Progress of Science 217
Progress of Science 317
Progress of Science 411
Progress of Science 506
Progress of Science 600
Psychology, Experimental 315
"Frederic Meyers's Service to, William James 380

Ramsay, W., The Inert Constituents of the Atmosphere 581
Remarks, Two, concerning the Monthly 510
Remsen, President of Johns Hopkins University 317
"Portrait of 322
Reservations, Our Forest, J. W. Toumey 115
Revista de Construcciones y Agrimensura 410
Ricour's Molecular Constitution of Matter 599
Rivers, W. H. R., Primitive Color Vision 44
Rowland, Henry A., A Plea for Pure Science 170
Russell on Ensilage 222
Russell and Turneaure on Public Water Supplies 410

San Francisco, The Plague in 105
Sardine Industry, The French, Hugh M. Smith 542
Schuyler's Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water Power, and Domestic Water Supply 409
Science, Pure, A Plea for, Henry A. Rowland 170
"and Philosophy, R. M. Wenley 361
"The Progress of, R. S. Woodward 513
"Development of, in Western States 600
Scientific, Courses in the Larger Universities 110
"Literature 101
"Literature 315
"Literature 409
"Literature 505
"Literature 599
"Items 111
"Items 223
"Items 320
"Items 416
"Items 511
"Items 603
Scott's Studies in Fossil Botany 102
Silica, Vitrified 509
Simpson's The New Forestry 102
Smallpox, The Late Epidemic of, in the United States, James Nevins Hyde 557
Smith, Hugh M., The French Sardine Industry 542
Snails, Evidence of, on Changes of Land and Sea, Henry A. Pilsbry 284
Soluble Ferments or Enzymes, Edwin O. Jordan 497
Spinal Cord, Cocaine Analgesia of, Smith Ely Jeliffe 280
Sporozoa and Malaria-Germ, Gary N. Calkins 189
Stars, New, Cause of 109
Statistical Study of Evolution, C. B. Davenport 447
Statistics, Mortality 601
Sternberg, George M., The Transmission of Yellow Fever by Mosquitoes 225
Stevens, George T., The Pose of the Body 390
Stewart, G. N., Recent Physiology 81
Sun, Total Eclipse of the 109
Sunderland's Twentieth Century Inventions 505

Tamalpais, Mount, Fog Studies on, Alexander McAdie 535
Telegraphone, The 413
Thermometer, History of 315
Thomson, J. J., On Bodies Smaller than Atoms 323
Thorndike, Edward L., The Intelligence of Monkeys 273
Thurston, Robert H., The Progress and Tendency of Mechanical Engineering in the Nineteenth Century 34
Thurston, Robert H., The Progress and Tendency of Mechanical Engineering in the Nineteenth Century 141
Titchener's Laboratory Manual of Psychology 315
Toumey, J. W., Our Forest Reservations 115
Tuberculosis, Combating, Robert Koch 461
"British Congress of 508
Tunneling, Prelini on 409
Turneaure and Russell on Public Water Supplies 410

Universities, Scientific Courses in the Larger 110

Viking, A, Philosopher, F. A. B. 596
Virchow, Rud., The Peopling of the Philippines 257
Virchow, Rud., The Peopling of the Philippines 351
Vision, Primitive Color, W. H. R. Rivers 44
Vitrified Silica 509
Von Drygalski and Polar Explorations 105

Waldo, Frank, The Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory 290
Washington Memorial Institution 411
Water, Carriers, Plants as, Byron D. Halsted 492
"Supply 410
Wenley, R. M., Science and Philosophy 361
Willis, Bailey, Climate and Carbonic Acid 242
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station 222
Woodward, R. S., The Progress of Science 513

Yellow Fever, Transmission by Mosquitoes, George M. Sternberg 225
""and Cancer, Causes of 319
Youmans, William Jay, Death of 112
Zeiller's Éléments de Paléobotanique 102
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