The meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held at Denver during the last week of August was of more than usual significance. For the first time in its history the Association met west of the banks of the Mississippi. California was ceded to the United States in the same year in which the Association held its first meeting, and the great western half of the country and the Association representing science in America have developed together. It was Fremont, then a scientific man engaged in scientific surveys, who saved California for the Union. The western States—dependent on railways, mines and modern agriculture—are the children of science. Having attained through science their remarkable material development, they are now prepared to unite with the older culture of the east in efforts for the advancement of science. Extending from the Mississippi river to the Pacific coast we have the first civilization based definitely on science, and we may expect to see in this region the world's chief centers for the diffusion and advancement of science. The first meeting of the American Association in the west is merely an announcement of what has been accomplished already, yet it represents an epoch in the history of science and of civilization.
The meeting at Denver was itself full of interest. Though not quite so large as meetings on the Atlantic seaboard, it was larger than the recent meetings at Madison and Detroit, and nearly as large as the meetings at Springfield, Buffalo and Columbus. Further, the 306 members in attendance were mostly scientific men, as is shown by the fact that two hundred and twenty papers were presented. The people of Denver did everything possible to ensure the social success of the meeting, and the scenery and resources of the State of Colorado were of the greatest possible interest to all visitors. The address of the president, published above, was worthy of the occasion, and many interesting papers were read before the different sections. In several respects the business transacted was of importance in the history of American science. The committee on the journal, 'Science,' made its first report on the arrangement made at the New York meeting last year, in accordance with which this weekly journal is sent free of charge to all members of the Association. It appears that the fees of new members were sufficient to defray the cost of sending 'Science' to all members of the Association, and that the plan has proved acceptable on all sides. Another important step was the perfecting of the affiliation of the special societies with the Association. Hitherto the national societies devoted to the special sciences have met informally with the Association; hereafter they will be an integral part of it, being represented on the council. The council will thus become the body chiefly responsible for the organization of science in America. The Association planned for a winter meeting to be held at Washington a year from next January. Attention has already been called here to the movement now progressing for the establishment of a convocation week for the meetings of scientific and learned societies. It is now assured by the action of our leading universities and of the American