< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 29

I N D E X.

Abysses, the Oceanic, Condition of 715
Agrarian Agitation, A Canadian Chapter in 462
Air, Sea, and Mountain 141
Alum as a Water-Clarifier 858
Animal Diseases, The Microbes of 761
Animals, What may, be taught 168
Antarctic, The, Ocean 660
Antiseptics and Disinfectants 860
Arbitration and Conciliation, New Light on 567
Architecture, Evolution in 642
Armsby, Professor H. P. 831
Ashley, Charles S. 721
Association, the American, The Buffalo Meeting of 844
Astronomical Work, Dr. Gould's, The Magnitude of 280

Bacteria under High Pressure 140
Baker, Francis H 642
Balloon, Travel by 428
Barefooted? Should Children go 861
Benedict, Professor W. R. 626
Benedict, Professor W. R. 747
Bergen, Mrs. F. D. 367
Bienenfeld, Bernard 124
Birds, The Flying Force of 427
Birds, the, Protect 281
Black and White, Are, Colors? 814
Blackfoot Tribes, the, Ethnology of 204
Bohemian Glass 346
Bolton, Professor H. C. 523
Books noticed:
"Three Years of Arctic Service" (Greely) 127
"Easy Lessons in German" (Dreyspring) 129
"The Determination of Rock-forming Minerals" (Hussak and Smith) 129
"History of the Pacific States" (Bancroft) 130
"Practical and Analytical Chemistry" (Trimble) 130
"Evolution of To-Day" (Conn) 131
"The Sun" (Guillemin and Phipson) 131
"History of California" (Hittell) 132
"A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry" (Von Richter and Smith) 132
"Ventilation of Buildings" (Butler) 133
"Water-Meters" (Browne) 133
"Mechanical Integrators" (Shaw) 133
"Preservation of Timber by Antiseptics" (Boulton) 133
"Chemical Analysis" (Scott-White) 133
"First Lessons in Philosophy" (Handley) 133
"Chemical Equilibrium the Result of the Dissipation of Energy" (Liveing) 134
"Moisture and Dryness" (Denison) 134
"Comparative Literature" (Posnett) 269
"Hunting Trips of a Ranchman" (Roosevelt) 270
"Influence of Sewerage and Water-Supply on the Death-Rare in Cities" (Smith) 272
"The Epic Songs of Russia" (Hapgood) 273
"Applied Geology" (Williams) 273
"Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey" (Powell) 275
"Gyrating Bodies" (Warring) 275
"American Diplomacy" (Schuyler) 275
"Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River" (Elting) 276
"Town Government in Rhode Island" (Foster) 276
"The Narragansett Planters" (Channing) 276
"Pennsylvania Boroughs" (Holcomb) 276
"Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists," 1885 277
"Studies in General History" (Sheldon) 277
"Injurious and other Insects in New York" (Lintner) 277
"Upland and Meadow" (Abbott) 415
"Flowers, Fruits, and Leaves" (Lubbock) 416
"Popular Government" (Maine) 416
"Oceana" (Froude) 417
"The Adirondacks as a Health Resort" (Stickler) 418
"What does History teach?" (Blackie) 418
"Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington" 418
"Essays on Educational Reformers" (Quick) 419
"The Late Mrs. Null" (Stockton) 419
"Hobbes" (Robertson) 419
"Appalachia" 420
"Appalachian Mountain Club Register" 420
"Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission," 1885 420
"The Order of Creation" (Gladstone, Huxley, and others) 420
"Wonders of European Art" (Viardot) 421
"Elements of Universal History" (Cottinger) 421
"Scriptures, Hebrew and Christian" (Bartlett and Peters) 421
"The Story of Chaldea" (Ragozin) 421
"Did Reis invent a Speaking Telephone?" (Dolbear) 421
"On Telephone Systems" (Dolbear) 421
"Notes on Certain Maya and Mexican Manuscripts" (Thomas) 422
"Railroad Terminal Facilities at New York" (Mordecai) 422
"Artesian Wells" (Chamberlin) 422
"Commissioner of Education, Report for 1883-'84" 422
"A Manual of Mechanics" (Goodeve) 422
"Evolution" (Deems) 423
"The Choice of Books" (Harrison) 423
"Poetry as a Representative Art" (Raymond) 423
"The Fisheries and Fishing. Industries of the United States" (Goode) 423
"Teacher's Hand-Book of Psychology" (Sully) 556
"Triumphant Democracy" (Carnegie) 558
"California" (Royce) 559
"Food Materials and their Adulterations" (Richards) 559
"Scientific Laboratories of Denison University" (Herrick) 560
"Food Consumption" (Wright and Atwater) 560
"Hand-Book of Plant Dissection" (Arthur, Barnes, and Coulter) 560
"Protection or Free Trade" (George) 561
"Industrial Depressions," Report of Commissioner of Labor on (Wright) 561
"Socialism and Christianity" (Behrends) 562
"Political Science Quarterly" 562
"Persia" (Bassett) 562
"Outlines of Geology" (Geikie) 563
"Class-Book of Geology" (Geikie) 563
"The Wealth of Households" (Dawson) 564
"Manual Training" (Horn) 564
"Color-Studies" (Janvier) 564
"Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century" (Gierke) 564
"Forests and Fruit-Growers" (Kinney) 565
"Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education" (Technical Instruction and Education in Japan) 1885 565
"Monthly Catalogue of Government Publications" (Hickox) 565
"Life and Genius of Goethe" (Sanborn) 565
"An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Nevada" (Bourke) 566
"John Cabot's Landfall and Norumbega" (Horsford) 566
"Smithsonian Report for 1884" 566
"Elements of Economics" (Macleod) 700
"Colorado Scientific Society Proceedings" 701
"Psychology" (McCosh) 702
"Manual Training" (Ham) 703
"Contributions to the Tertiary Geology and Paleontology of the United States" (Heilprin) 704
"Annual Address" (Riley) 704
"Climatic Treatment of Disease" (Marcy) 704
"Kant's Ethics" (Porter) 705
"The Economical Fact-Book" (Bowker) 705
"Municipal Administration" (Mathews) 705
"Bulletins of the United States Geological Survey, Nos. 15 to 26" 705
"Constitutional and Political History of the United States" (Jameson) 706
"A Puritan Colony in Maryland" (Randall) 706
"Davenport Academy of Sciences, Proceedings" 706
"On Small Differences of Sensation" (Peirce and Jastrow) 707
"Diseases of the Nervous System" (Hammond) 707
"History of the Sabbath and Sunday" (Lewis) 707
"Medicine of the Future" (Flint) 708
"Life" (Wilder) 708
"The Olden Time Series" 708
"Qualitative Chemical Analysis" (Beilstein) 708
"Watts's 'Manual of Chemistry'" (Tilden) 709
"State Control of Medical Education and Practice" (Curtiss) 709
"Development of Viviparous Osseous Fishes" (Ryder) 709
"Outlines of the History of Ethics" (Sidgwick) 845
"Numbers Illustrated" (Rickoff and Davis) 846
"Geological Studies" (Winchell) 847
"Guide to the Recognition of Orders of Cryptogams" (Sargent) 847
"History of California," Vols. IV and V (Bancroft) 848
"Physical Training in American Colleges" (Hartwell) 849
"Report on Drainage of Massachusetts River Valleys" 849
"The Science of Business" (Smith) 850
"The Fitting-Schools" (Von Taube) 851
"Anthropophagy" (Darling) 851
"Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science," 1885 (Halstead) 851
"The Journal of Physiology" (Foster) 852
"Science and the State" (Shufeldt) 852
"The Country Banker" (Rae) 852
"Industrial and High-Art Education" (Clarke) 853
"Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station," 1885 853
"Old School Days" (Harris) 854
"The Great Conspiracy (Logan) 854
"Smithsonian Accounts of Progress in 1885" 854
Bottoms, Deep-Lake, Fauna of 717
Box-Wood, A New Species of 430
Brain, The Care of the 386
Brooks, Margarette W 317
Brooks, Professor W. K. 806
Butler, Professor N. M. 482

Camphor, Japanese 280
Cancer, Origin of 569
Carbonic Acid, Use of Liquid 428
Carpets, Oriental 572
Champion, A Pony 142
Charity and Sentimentality 125
Chemistry, Recent Progress in 523
Chicago, The, Public Schools 425
Children, Animal and Plant Lore of 367
Children, Animal and Plant Lore of 842
Children, Should, go barefooted? 861
Chorea, School-Life and 717
Christie, W. H. M. 795
Church, The, and State Education 554
Climate, Geological, in High Latitudes 352
Clocks, Primitive 180
Coal-Waste as a Manure 712
Coan, Titus M., M.D. 508
Coast, the New England, Glacial Elevations of 135
Commercial Crisis, the Present, Causes of 491
Cooking Apparatus, A New Hot-Water 571
Colors? Are Black and White 814
Coral Island, Life on a 806
Correspondence 122
Correspondence 411
Correspondence 841
Counting unconsciously 221
Cray-Fish, Some Peculiar Habits of the 784
Crime, Education and 570
Crystallization, The Problem of 46
Cyclone, Autobiography of an Ancient 573
Cyclones, Periodicity of 859

Daubrée, M. A. 374
Dawson, Joseph 75
De Candolle on the Production of Men of Science 34
Delbœuf, M. J. 168
Diet, The Philosophy of 818
Domestic Fireplace Construction, The Principles of 230
Don't 268
Doty, Harry Austin 814
Dudley, P. M., C.E. 433
Dudley, P. M., C.E. 604

Earth-Contraction and Mountains 283
Earthquakes and other Seismic Movements 305
Earthquakes in China 571
Earthquake-Vibrations, Variation in 286
Eaton, Virgil G. 803
Economic Association, The American 426
Editor's Table 125
Editor's Table 266
Editor's Table 412
Editor's Table 554
Editor's Table 698
Editor's Table 842
Education and Crime 570
Education, Some Outlines from the History of 626
Education, Some Outlines from the History of 747
Eels and their Young 254
Einhorn, Alfred 46
Elements, New Chemical 714
Engelmann, George, M.D., Sketch of 260
Ethnology of the Blackfoot Tribes 204
Evolution bounded by Theology 145
Evolution in Architecture 642
Evolution, Organic, The Factors of 54
Evolution, Organic, The Factors of 192
Exercise, The Influence of, upon Health 322
Exercise, The Physiology of 841
Extinction of Species, the, Causes of 429
Eyes, Swedish, Colors of 428

Fear, A Psychological Study of 771
Financial Stringency, Causes of 285
Fire-Extinguishers, Automatic 137
Fishes and Frogs, Parental Peculiarities in 136
Fish, Fossil, in New Jersey Trias 574
Flat-Fish, The Science of 107
Fleas, Development of 861
Flying Fish, Does the, fly? 122
Flying Force, The, of Birds 427
Food Accessories and Digestion 63
Food, Poisons formed from 284
Forest Devastation in Japan 714
Forest Preservation, Canadian 141
Fouillée, Alfred 681
France, Eastern, Mineral Springs of 508
Fraud and its Victims 842
Fungi, Parasitic, on Plants 138
Future, A Bald and Toothless 803

Galton, Francis, Sketch of 117
Gaudry, Albert 827
Genesis, The Interpretation of 122
Genius and Precocity 469
Genius and Precocity 594
German Paleontological Museums 827
Gillmore, Parker 617
Gould's (Dr.) Astronomical Work, The Magnitude of 280
Government, the Federal, Transportation and 335

Hadley, Arthur T. 1
Hale, Horatio 204
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert 83
Heat, A New Prospective Source of 140
Heavens, the, Photographing 71
Heer, Oswald, Sketch of 546
Hereditary Diseases and Race-Culture 639
Holder, C. F. 784
Horse-Eating 711
House Sanitation, Ancient 140
Hovelacque M. A. 98
Huxley, Professor T. H. 458

Ice, What, can do 282
Iles, George 462
India-Ink, The Story of 859
Indian Medicine 649
Inebriety, Premonitions of 862
Inherited Memories 858
Insect Species, an, Distribution of 428
Inventions, The Genesis of 136
Iron, Rustless 393
Irrawaddy, The Problem of the 427
Irrawaddy, The River 712

James, Joseph F. 660
Japan, Forest Devastation in 714
Japan, Science in 861
Jordan, Professor David Starr 212

King-Crab, The, in New Waters 569
Kinley, Isaac 122
Klein, Dr. H. Y. 71

Laboratory, The Physical, in Modern Education 504
Labor Troubles 266
Language, The Evolution of 98
Larrabee, W. H. 34
Le Play's Studies in Social Phenomena 787
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 491
Le Sueur, W. D. 145
Le Sueur, W. D. 577
Lick Observatory, the, Advantages of 710
Life, Human, The Lengthening of 862
Life on a Coral Island 806
Lion Country, In the 617
Literary Notices 127
Literary Notices 269
Literary Notices 415
Literary Notices 556
Literary Notices 700
Literary Notices 845
Liquorice, Cultivation of 715
Liquors, How Alcoholic, are made 75
Lockwood, Professor S. 245
Lore, Animal and Plant, of Children 367
Lore, Animal and Plant, of Children 842

Madness, The Millennium of 226
Mange, P. F. 411
Mather, Frederic G. 180
Medicine, Indian 649
Memories, Inherited 858
Mercator, Gerard, Sketch of 404
Metal, The Coming 713
Meteorites, Meteors, and Shooting-Stars 733
Meteorites, The Origin and Structure of 374
Mexico, An Economic Study of 11
Mexico, An Economic Study of 153
Mexico, An Economic Study of 289
Mexico, An Economic Study of 411
Mexico, An Economic Study of 444
 "Note on 556
Microbes, The, of Animal Diseases 761
Minerals, The Development of 397
Moral Faculty, The Development of 29
Moral Teaching in Public Schools 698
Mountains, Earth-Contraction and 283
Museums, Paleontological, German 827

Natural Phenomena, The Prediction of 538
Nature, Some Economics of 666
Neith, The Hypothetical Planet 285
New Chemical Elements 714
Newton, General John, Sketch of 834
Newton, Professor Hubert A. 733
Niagara Falls at the American Association 856
Nineteenth Century Club, The 567
Nitrification 831
Notes 142
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 574
Notes 718
Notes 863
Nuisance, A Bee 139

Ocean, The Antarctic 660
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. 226
Outlines, Some, from the History of Education 626
Outlines, Some, from the History of Education 747
Oyster, How the, makes his Shell 279

Parsee Children 568
Parsee Funerals 426
Phenomenon, A Curious Optical 841
Philosophy, The, of Diet 818
Photographing the Heavens 71
Pictures and Prints, The Care of 83
Planet, The Hypothetical, Neith 285
Pleasure and Pain, The Nature of 681
Poisons formed from Food 284
Poisons, The, in Spoiling Food 250
Polygamy, An Æsthetic View of 857
Popular Miscellany 135
Popular Miscellany 279
Popular Miscellany 425
Popular Miscellany 567
Popular Miscellany 710
Popular Miscellany 856
Porter, Ex-President, on Evolution 577
Preston, Dr. G. J. 639
Preyer, Professor W 221
Protect the Birds 281
Psychical Research, The Progress of 482
Psychology as a Science 699
Punjab, The 138
Putnam, Frederick Ward, Sketch of 693

Race-Culture, Hereditary Diseases and 639
Rafinesque 212
Railroad Regulation, The Difficulties of 1
Ranney, Professor Ambrose L., M.D. 386
Richards, Professor E. L. 322
Richet, Charles 771
Rivers, Underground 716
Rosenberry, A. B., M.D. 841
Rowland, Professor Henry A., Ph.D. 504
Rustless Iron 393

Schafft, Dr. A 538
School-Life and Chorea 717
Schwarz, Professor Heinrich 346
Science and the State 412
Science, De Candolle on the Production of Men of 34
Science in Japan 861
Scratching in the Animal Kingdom 245
Sea-Bathing, Principles of 426
Sea-Voyages, Advantages of 716
Sharpless, Professor Isaac 519
Shooting-Stars, Meteorites, Meteors, and 733
Silk-Culture, An Experiment in 317
Silk-Culture, The "Profits" of 568
Snails, American, Life-History of 573
Snake-Poison, Antidotes for 124
Snake-Poisoning 283
Social Phenomena, Le Play's Studies in 787
Solar Heat, Influence of Direct, on Vegetation 139
Soles and Turbot 107
Somauli-Land, Incidents of Travel in 713
Somaulies, Traits of the 570
Spectroscope, The, and the Elements 430
Spencer, Herbert 54
Spencer, Herbert 192
Springs, Mineral, of Eastern France 508
Stations, Signal, at Sea 862
Stinde, Julius 250
Stockwell, G. Archie, M.D. 649
Storms, Cuban 430
Stringency, Financial, Causes of 285
Sully, James 29
Sully, James 469
Sully, James 594
Swallows, Intelligence of 142
Swamps, draining, Have we gone too far in 282

Teaching, Scientific, The Extension of 458
Tea-Drinking, is, Salutary? 286
Teale, T. Pidgin, F.R.C.S. 230
Telephone, Professor Pickering's 281
Tenant-Farmers, Happy 137
Thomas, B. F. 841
Thoulet, M. J. 397
Time, Good, and its Ascertainment 519
Time, Universal 795
Toad-Lore 429
Transportation and the Federal Government 335
Trap-Dike, The, of Southeastern Pennsylvania 279
Trias, New Jersey, Fossil Fish in 574
Trouessart, E. L. 761
Turquoises 284

Universal Time 795

Vegetation, Influence of Direct Solar Heat on 139

Warner, A. G. 787
Warring, C. B. 122
Warring, C. B. 352
Weather, Extremes of, in the Past 711
Wealth, The Distribution of 721
Welch, J. C. 335
Wells, David A 11
Wells, David A 153
Wells, David A 289
Wells, David A 444
Wells, James S. C., Ph.D. 393
Whelpley, H. M. 842
Wilson, Dr. Andrew 666
Wind-Carving in Maine 860
Woods, and their Destructive Fungi 433
Woods, and their Destructive Fungi 604
   """"Note on 555

Yeo, Dr. J. Burney 63


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