ment that are extremely near, if not coincident, in spectral position with those obtained for some other element or elements: these have been called basic lines; third, we know that in the sun's atmosphere there is a process at work tending to separate the various molecular and atomic structures, and we find that the greater number of the lines given out from the sun's hotter regions are basic lines, such as are above defined; fourth, in the very hottest stars, where the dissociation is greatest, we have only a few prominent lines given out, these being lines belonging to hydrogen, calcium, and magnesium. "I think," Professor Stewart adds, "we must conclude that the hypothesis that the elements are in reality compound bodies offers, with our present knowledge, a very good and simple explanation of the results of spectroscopic analysis in the earth, the sun, and the stars."
In Professor Jordan's sketch of Rafinesque, in the June number of the Monthly, page 216, "Hendersonville," Kentucky, should have been "Henderson." The correction was duly marked by the author, but failed to reach our press-room.
The thirty-fifth annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will be held at Buffalo, New York, August 18th to 24th. Professor E. S. Morse, of Salem, Massachusetts, will be the president of the meeting. The Secretary of the Association is Professor F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The meeting of the British Association is to be held this year at Birmingham, under the presidency of Sir William Dawson. The sectional presidents will be: Section A (Mathematical and Physical Science), Professor G. H. Darwin; Section B (Chemistry), Mr. W. Crookes; Section C (Geology), Professor T. G. Bonney; Section D (Biology), Mr. W. Carruthers; Section E (Geography), Major-General Sir F. J. Goldsmid; Section F (Economic Science and Statistics), Mr. J. Biddulph Martin; Section G (Mechanical Science), Sir James N. Douglas; Section H (Anthropology), Sir George Campbell, M. P.
George Roberts, of Lofthouse, England, relates in "Science Gossip" that, having found two white slugs under some stones, he placed them on a green leaf, when they became in a few minutes of a greenish color.
In our notice of Mr. Seely's "Genesis of Inventions," in the May number of the Monthly, an error of the press made us give to the new branch of study which the author proposes the name of Eunematics, which has no significance, for Eunematics, the real name, which is a legitimate derivation from the Greek, and is appropriate.
The Committee of the American Ornithologists' Union, on the "Protection of North American Birds," seeks to gather and diffuse all possible information on the subjects of the destruction and the protection of North American birds, and the utility of birds; to encourage the formation of bird protective associations, and anti-bird-wearing leagues; to secure the perfection of suitable, practicable statutes in all the States and Territories for the protection of birds; to prevent the. collecting of birds and eggs for pseudo-scientific purposes; and to consider the best means for securing the enforcement of bird-protective statutes. The headquarters of the committee are at the American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York city. Mr. George P. Sennett is its chairman, and Mr. Eugene P. Bicknell its secretary.
The Rev. Canon Charles Lett used to relate, in illustration of the reasoning power of the bird, that a gentleman in Waterford, Ireland, had, in 1828, a tame golden eagle, which was allowed the freedom of the yard and garden. The owner once, for amusement, placed the house-cat near the bird, which attempted to seize it and met the usual fate of too close assailants of cats. A chicken was next brought, and instantly pounced upon. The owner, however, released it, whereupon the eagle hopped clumsily after it, but could not overtake it. The bird then turned against its owner and attacked him with vigor, as if in revenge for being deprived of its prey.
Up to the middle of April, M. Pasteur had treated about seven hundred and fifty patients with his remedy for hydrophobia, with what is considered a very gratifying success. In some of the cases the patients may not really have received the virus, or the dog may not have been really mad; and six out of thirty-eight Russians who had been bitten by a rabid wolf died. But, when allowance is made for these, enough is left to give the seal of validity to the claims which the eminent practitioner sets forth for his remedy.
"Land and Water" publishes, and credits to a "local paper," a story told by a Scotch railway-laborer, who saw a hawk swoop upon a blackbird which was singing on a bush by the side of the river Ettrick. The blackbird, he says, was at once un-perched and carried to the ground, strug-