< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 15

I N D E X.

Abstraction in Science, The Results of 825
Aconite, its Physiological Action 281
Adulteration of Food and Drugs 286
Africa, Central, Explorations in 283
Africa, Southern, Pinto's Trip across 286
African Civilization, A Specimen of 863
Age of Cave-Dwellers in America 488
Age of Ice 833
Age of the World 137
Agnosticism as developed in Huxley's "Hume" 478
Allen, G., "Pleased with a Feather" 366
Allen, C, A Problem in Human Evolution 250
Allman, G. J., Protoplasm and Life 721
Alum in Baking-Powders 285
American and European Archeology 712
American Association, its Saratoga Meeting 853
America's Place in History 560
Ant-Intelligence 860
Argan-Tree of Southwestern Marocco 569
Armsby, H. P.; The Source of Muscular Power 812
Arsenic, its Physiological Effects 139
Asphaltum and Amber in New Jersey 719
Atlantis not a Myth 759
Audiometer, The 571

Bachelor, O. E., Observations on the Chameleon 178
Bain, A., Growth of the Will 10
Bain, A., John Stuart Mill 327
Bain, A., John Stuart Mill 750
Bain, A., The Classical Controversy 631
Barker, G. F., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 693
Barnard, W. S., Micro-Organisms 764
Baths, Cold-Water 567
Bathybius, Huxley on 862
Bats, their Geographical Distribution 574
Beard, G. M., A Remarkable Coincidence 628
Bennett's Expedition to the North Pole 557
Bergh, Mr., Letter from 409
Bergh, Mr., and the Sparrows 412
Birth, Life, and Death of a Storm 684
Black, J. E., Removal of Inherited Tendencies to Disease 433
Blake, E. Vale, Spontaneous and Imitative Crime 656
Bodily Conditions as related to Mental States 40
Bodily Injuries from Falling Meteorites 566
Books noticed:
"Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts" 129
"Health, and how to promote it" (McSherry) 130
"After Death, what?" (Piatt) 130
"The Reign of God not the Reign of Law" (Bacon) 131
"Health Primers" 132
"Scientific Memoirs" (Draper) 132
"Habit and Intelligence" (Murphy) 134
"National Dispensatory" (Stillé and Maisch) 135
"Modern Chromatics" (Rood) 271
"American Chemical Journal" 273
"Journal of the American Chemical Society" 273
"Testing of Water-Wheels" (Emerson) 274
"Outline of General' Geology" (Comstock) 274
"Sewer-Gases" (Varona) 274
"Reading as a Fine Art" (Legouvé) 274
"Ocean Wonders" (Damon) 275
"Life of Baroness Bunsen" (Hare) 275
"American Plant-Book" 275
"Chemical Physiology" (Vaughan) 275
"Color-Sense" (Allen) 276
"Physical Exercise and Consumption" (Davy) 276
"Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States" (Meehan) 276
"Coal" (Thorpe) 277
"Comparative Anatomy" (Gegenbaur) 277
"Materia Medica" (Dunham) 277
"Fasting Girls" (Hammond) 278
"Political Economy" (Roscher) 278
"Index Medicus" 278
"The Teacher" (Blakiston) 278
"Mixed Essays" (Arnold) 279
"Evolution of Man" (Haeckel) 415
"Moore's Rural Life" 417
"Life-saving Apparatus" (Lyle) 417
"Treatise on Chemistry" (Roscoe and Schorlemmer) 417
"Art of Questioning" (Fitch) 417
"Political Economy" (Allen) 418
"Notes of a Naturalist" (Moseley) 418
"Problems of Life and Mind" (Lewes) 419
"Sewer-Air" (Nichols)" 419
"Physics" (Guthrie) 420
"Hearing" (Burnett) 420
"Art of Singing" (Sieber) 420
"The Currency Question" (Hughes) 420
"The Schools of Ontario" 421
"Word and Work" (Robert) 421
"Wisconsin Tornadoes" (Daniells) 421
"Dictionary of the English Language" (Skeat) 421
"Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms" 421
"Bulletin of the United States National Museum" 422
"American Statistical Review" 422
"The Human Species" (Quatrefages) 560
"Combustion of Coal" (Barr) 562
"Man's Moral Nature" (Bucke) 563
"Reign of the Stoics" (Holland) 563
"The Temperaments" (Jacques) 564
"Color-Blindness" (Jeffries) 564
"Money, Trade, and Industry" (Walker) 564
"Birds of the Colorado Valley" (Coues) 565
"Aids to Family Government" (Mayer) 565
"Beneficial Influence of Plants" (Anders) 565
"The Data of Ethics" (Spencer) 705
"The Sportsman's Gazetteer" (Hallock) 708
"Journal of Physiology" 709
"Souvenirs of Madame Vigée Le Brun" 709
"Outlines of Field Geology" (Geikie) 710
"Cultivation of the Senses" 710
"Peabody Museum" 710
"United States Entomological Commission" 711
"Insects of Illinois" 711
"Progressive Japan" (Le Gendre) 711
"Sketch of Dickinson College" (Himes) 845
"Entwicklung des Menschengeschlectes" (Steinach) 846
"Philosophy of Music" (Pole) 847
"Laboratory Teaching" (Bloxam) 848
"Analysis of Urine" (Hofmann) 849
"Dictionary of Music" (Grove) 849
"Commercial Organic Analysis" (Allen) 850
"Mind and Brain" (Calderwood) 850
"The Round Trip" (Codman) 851
"History of England" (Guest) 851
"Scientific English Grammar" (Colegrove) 851
"Free Religious Association" 851
"Life and Work of J. Henry" (Pope) 852
"National Education" (Bennett) 852
"Roman Catholicism in the United States" 852
Botanical Usurper, A 283
Brackett, W., Modern Science in its Relation to Literature 166
Brain, Living, Experiments on 855
Brightness and Distribution of the Fixed Stars 503
Brooks, W. K., Condition of Women from a Zoological Point of View 145
Brooks, W. K., Condition of Women from a Zoological Point of View 347
Browning, W., A Question of Eating 345
Bunbury, C, Visit to the New Zealand Geysers 356

Cave, A Remarkable, discovered in Algeria 717
Chameleon, Observations on the 178
Chemistry in its Relations to Medicine 214
Chloral and other Narcotics 491
Chloral and other Narcotics 646
Cinchona-Cultivation in California 861
Clarke, Professor, on Lockyer's Researches 138
Classical Controversy, The 631
Classification of Words 714
Clews in Natural History. (Illustrated.) 14
Clifford, Professor, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 258
Climate at Great Altitudes 426
Clough, J., A Correction 265
Coal, The, of the Future: 856
Cold-Water Baths 567
Color-Sense in Savages 715
Combe, George, his Autobiography 109
Complaint, A, about the Monthly 698
Conder, F. P., Explosions in Coal Mines 200
Condition of Women from a Zoölogical Point of View 145
Condition of Women from a Zoölogical Point of View 347
Constitution of the Sun 855
Continent, Growth of a 280
Cooley, L. R. C, The Molecular Theory 462
Copyright, International, the London "Times" on 265
Cortambert, E., Selecting a First Meridian 156
Crime, Spontaneous and Imitative 656
Curiosities, Dietetic. II 30
Curiosities of Nervousness 282
Curious Survivals of Savagism 268

Dangers of Darwinism 68
Death, On the Fear of 123
Descartes on the Invention of the Telescope 430
Development of the House-Fly. (Illustrated.) 618
Diaphragm, Improved, for Phonograph 423
Dietetic Curiosities. II 30
Disease, Removal of Inherited Tendencies to 433
Disease of the Body as a Mental Stimulant 71
Diseased Condition of the Faculty of Wonder 196
Distinction between Man and Animals 138
Division and Distribution of the Electric Light 712
Dog's Affection, A 572
Draper's Researches on Oxygen in the Sun 716
Drilling Rocks by Electricity 573
Drugs, Adulteration of 575
Dry-Rot in Timber 525

Earth, Shape of the 857
Earthquake of November 18, 1878 139
Earthworms 124
Eating, A Question of 345
Edison's Electro-Chemical Telephone 854
Electric Light, how to make it steady 857
Electric Light, its Division and Distribution 712
Electric Pen, A New 285
Electrical Fishes 427
Elliott, E. T., The Age of Cave-Dwellers in America 488
Esquimau Skull, Dimensions of the 859
Evolution, Geographical 548
Explanations that do not explain 410
Explorations in Central Africa 283
Explosions in Coal Mines, are they preventable? 200
Eye, The, its Sensibility to Light 142

Famines in Ancient and Modern Times 137
Farquhar, H., Brightness and Distribution of the Fixed Stars 503
Fear of Death 123
Fixed Stars, Brightness and Distribution of the 503
Fodder-Tree 717
Food and Drugs, Adulteration of 286
Food and Feeding 377
Food and Feeding 514
Food and Feeding 620
Forces, Wasted 289
Fortieth Parallel, Geological Survey of the 302
Fossil Rhinoceros in Siberia 573
Fossils, New and Interesting 713
Frankland, Professor, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 838
Furniss, J. J., Home-made Spectroscope. (Illustrated.) 808

Gairdner, Professor, Diseased Condition of the Faculty of Wonder 196
Games, The History of 225
Galton, F., Generic Images 532
Geikie, A., Geographical Evolution 548
Geikie, A., Geographical Evolution 593
Generic Images 532
Geographical Evolution 593
Geography, Modern, what it includes 569
Geological Survey of the Fortieth Parallel 302
Geysers of New Zealand, A Visit to the 356
Gladstone on Natural History 573
Globe, Terrestrial, A Large 424
"Goat-Suckers," why so called 574
Goose, A Carnivorous 430
Government Aid to Artisan Schools 140
Grief in a Chimpanzee 142
Growth of a Continent 280
Growth of the Will 10

Harris on Social Science 702
Haviland, C. T., The Results of Abstraction in Science 825
Heat and Light 428
Heliograph, The Mance 429
History of Games 225
Horse, A, with a Load in his Stomach 428
House-Fly, Development of the. (Illustrated.) 618
How the Humming-Bird feeds 141
Human Evolution, A Problem in 250
Humming-Bird, how it feeds 141
Huxley on Bathybius 862
Huxley, T. H., Sensation and the Sensiferous Organs 86

Indian Problem, The 304
Insanity in Russia 425
Insect-Destruction of Evergreen-Trees 855
Insects, Neuter 470
Iron Surfaces, New Process for the Protection of 429
Ironless Civilization, An 715

Japanese Archæology 141
"Jumping Frenchmen" 428

Kiddle, Mr., Letter from 408
King-Vulture 431

Life-saving Service of the United States. (Illustrated.) 182
Lightning-Rods, The Size of 431
Lightning-Stroke, Remarkable 409
Listening to the Pulse 571
Locomotion, A Study in. (Illustrated.) 317
London "Times" on International Copyright 265
Long Island Drift, its Easterly Extension 861
Luminous Phenomenon, Remarkable 859
Lyman, O. E., Novelty in Patents 612

McCosh, J., Agnosticism as developed in Huxley's "Hume." 478
Man and Animals, The Distinction between 138
Marey, E. J., A Study in Locomotion 317
Marey on Electrical Fishes 427
Maudsley, H., Materialism and its Lessons 667
Mayer, J. E., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 397
Mental States, Bodily Conditions as related to 40
Meridian, Selecting a First. (Illustrated.) 156
Metal, Another New 718
Meteorological 568
Meteors, Falling, Injuries from 566
Meteors, Flight and Fall of 718
Meteors, November, Story of the. (Illustrated.) 445
Micro-Organisms and their Effects in Nature 764
Mill, J. S. 327
Mill, J. S. 750
Mogador, its Climate 859
Molecular Theory 462
Mound-Formations of California, Origin of 856
Monarchy and its Drawbacks 545
Morality and Evolution 124
Muir, P., Residual Phenomena 101
Muscular Power, The Source of 812
Music, why it is pleasurable 568
Mythologic Philosophy 795

National Academy of Sciences 280
Natural Well 718
Nervousness, Curiosities of 282
Neuralgia, Storms and 281
Neuter Insects 470
New and Interesting Fossils 713
New Guinea and its Inhabitants. II 57
Newberry, J. S., Geological Survey of the Fortieth Parallel 302
Norton, H. B., Age of Ice 833
Notes 143
Notes 288
Notes 431
Notes 576
Notes 719
Notes 863
Novelty in Patents 612

Observations on the Chameleon 178
O'Connor, W. D., United States Life-saving Service 182
"Oil on the Troubled Waters" 143
Opium-eating and Intemperance 858
Opium-Smoking 429
Orang-outang, The, at Home 854
Origin of Worlds 1
Oswald, F. L., Dietetic Curiosities. II 30
Oswald, F. L., Serpent-Charm 606
"Outing," The Annual 284
Oxygen in the Sun 716

Patents, Novelty in 612
Phrenology 265
Physics, The Study of, in the Secondary Schools 159
Physiological Action of Aconite 281
Physiological Effects of Arsenic 139
Pinto's Trip across Southern Africa 286
"Pleased with a Feather" 366
Poison, What is a? 284
Poison-Proof Animals 858
Poisson, J., The Vanilla-Plant 642
Population Statistics 858
Pottery, Ancient American 575
Powell, J. W., Mythologic Philosophy 795
Prince Imperial, The 559
Problem, A, in Human Evolution 250
Protoplasm and Life 721
Pythagoras on Beans 410

Question, A, of Eating 345

Reading, what the Eyes see in 570
Recreation, Science and Philosophy of 772
Reëducation of the Adult Brain 455
Remarkable Coincidence 628
Removal of Inherited Tendencies to Disease 433
Remsen, I., Chemistry in its Relation to Medicine 214
Residual Phenomena 101
Results of Abstraction in Science 825
Richardson, B. W., Chloral and other Narcotics 491
Richardson, B. W., Chloral and other Narcotics 646
Robson, M. H., Development of the House-Fly 618
Romanes, G. J., Science and Philosophy of Recreation 772

Savagism, Curious Survivals of 268
Science and Philosophy of Recreation 772
Science, Modern, in its Relation to Literature 166
Scientific Associations, The 842
Scott, R. H., Birth, Life, and Death of a Storm 684
Seeds of Disease 426
Selecting a First Meridian. (Illustrated.) 156
Sensation and the Sensiferous Organs 86
Sensibility of the Eye to Light 142
Serpent-Charm 606
"Serpent-Charm" 841
Sharpey, "W., Reëducation of the Adult Brain 455
Snake, A Two-Headed 715
Social Relations of the Future 568
Social Science, Harris on 702
Source of Muscular Power 812
Sovereign, An Imported 860
Specimen of African Civilization 863
Spectroscope, A Home-made. (Illustrated.) 808
Spiritualism again 700
Spiritualism as a Scientific Question 577
Spontaneous and Imitative Crime 656
Stars, Variable 427
Statistics of Population 858
Steadiness of the Electric Light 857
Steel, Hard and Soft, Strength of 287
Stoney, G. J., Story of the November Meteors 445
Storm, Birth, Life, and Death of a 684
Storms and Neuralgia 281
Story of the November Meteors. (Illustrated.) 445
Study of Physics in the Secondary Schools 159
Sun, Constitution of the 855
Superstitious Beliefs, Survival of 425
Sympathy in an Ants' Nest 572

Taylor, C. F., Bodily Conditions as related to Mental States 40
Telegraphers and Consumption 716
Thompson, E. H., Atlantis not a Myth 759
Thompson, H., Food and Feeding 377
Thompson, H., Food and Feeding 514
Thompson, H., Food and Feeding 620
Trowbridge, J., Study of Physics 159
Two-headed Snake 715
Tylor, E. B., The History of Games 225
Typhoid Fever and Well-Water 423

Uniformity System, The, is it an American Idea? 424
United States Life-saving Service. (Illustrated.) 182

Vanilla-Plant, The 642
Variable Stars 427
Vaughan, D., Origin of Worlds 1
Vaughan, D. (Editorial.) 127
Vaughan, D., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 556
Vaughan, D., On the Origin of Asteroids 570
Visit to the New Zealand Geysers 356

Wahl, W. H., Wasted Forces 289
Wallace, A. R., New Guinea and its Inhabitants. II 57
Wasted Forces 289
Wasted Forces 698
Well, A Natural 718
Well-Water and Typhoid Fever 423
Whales and their Neighbors 237
What is a Poison? 284
What shall we eat? 140
What the Eyes see in reading 570
Whitney, W. D., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 121
Will, Growth of the 10
Wilson, A., Clews in Natural History 14
Wilson, A., Whales and their Neighbors 237
Wines as Intoxicants 142
Women, their Condition from a Zoölogical Point of View 145
Women, their Condition from a Zoölogical Point of View 347
Wonder, Diseased Condition of the Faculty of 196
Wonderful Phenomenon, A, accounted for 699
Woolf, P., Neuter Insects 470
Words, Classification of, by Ideas 714
Worlds, Origin of 1
Wundt, W., Spiritualism 577

Youmans, E. A., Autobiography of George Combe 109


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