the Tin-Copper Alloys. R. H. Thurston, Chairman of Committee. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 582.
Primitive Manners and Customs. By J. A. Farrer. New York: Holt & Co. 1879. Pp. 345.
History of the English Language. By T. R. Lounsbury. Same publishers. 1879. Pp. 381. $1.
History of American Politics. By A. Johnston. Same publishers. 1879. Pp. 284.
Science Lectures at South Kensington. Vol. II. London: Macmillan. 1879. Pp. 410. $1.75.
Easy Lessons in Popular Science. By J. Monteith. New York: Barnes & Co. 1879. Pp. 255, with Illustrations. $1.
A Defense of Philosophic Doubt. By A. J. Balfour. London: Macmillan. 1879. Pp. 363. $3.50.
Summer-Savory, gleaned from Rural Nooks. By B F. Taylor. Chicago: Griggs & Co. 1879. Pp. 212. $1.
The Science of the Bible. By M. Woolley, M.D. Chicago: The Author. 1879. Pp. 613. $4.00.
Elementary Lessons on Sound. By Dr. W. H. Stone. London: Macmillan. 1879. Pp. 203. 80 cents.
Sequel to "Essays." By C. E. Townsend. New York: Somerby. 1879. Pp. 161.
School Cookery Book. By C. E. G. Wright. London: Macmillan. 1879. Pp. 158. 35 cents.
"Journal of the American Chemical Society." Vol. I., No. 6. Pp. 80.
Remarkable Groups in the Lower Spectrum. By S. P. Langley. Pp. 14, with Plates.
Temperature of the Sun. By the same. From "Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences." Pp. 8.
Wonders of Light and Color. By E. D. Babbitt. With Illustrations. New York: Babbitt & Co. 1879. Pp. 40. 25 cents.
A Few Well-established Facts in Connection with Squint. By J. J. Chisolm, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland, "Medical Journal" print. 1879. Pp. 15.
Vowel Theories. By A. G. Bell. From "American Journal of Otology." 1879. Pp. 20.
How Infant Mortality may be lessened. Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood print. Pp. 8. 1879.
Emotional Prodigality. By Dr. C. F. Taylor. Philadelphia: S. S. White. 1879. Pp. 16.
Career of Jesus Christ. By Dr. M. Woolley. Streator, Illinois: The Author. Pp. 53. 30 cents.
Examination of the Color-Sense of 3,040 Colored Children. By Dr. S. W. Burnett. Pp. 9.
Responsibility of the Partially Insane. By Dr. T. L. Wright. Pp. 15.
Recession of the Falls of St. Anthony. By N. H. Winchell. From "Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society." 1878. Pp. 16.
On the Word God. By. Dr. M. Woolley. Streator, Illinois: "Free Press" print. 1878. Pp. 22. 10 cents.
Hints toward a National Culture for Young Americans. By S. S. Boyce. New York: Steiger. 1879. Pp. 67.
Chlor-stannic Acid. By J. W. Mallet. From "Journal of the Chemical Society." 1879. Pp. 3.
The Progressive Attributes of Inanimate Matter. By Dr. A. J. Howe. Pp. 8. Autopsy of an Elephant. By the same. Pp. 8.
Sanitary Condition of Montreal. By F. P. Mackelcan. Montreal: Lovell Co. print. 1879 Pp. 41.
The Saratoga Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.—The Saratoga meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was very numerously attended by members from all parts of the United States. The presence of very many of the foremost scientists of the country was a reassuring evidence of the high esteem in which the work of the Association is held by those whose pursuits and attainments best qualify them to judge of its value. The first public session was held in the Town Hall of Saratoga, on Wednesday, August 26th, Professor O. C. Marsh, the retiring President, in the chair. The President-elect, Professor George F. Barker, having been duly installed, an address of welcome was presented to the Association by Dr. McEwen, chairman of the local committee, on behalf of the citizens of Saratoga. The President made a graceful response to this address, expressing the thanks of the members of the Association for the cordiality with which they were received. Referring to the labors of scientific men, and the aims and purposes of the Association, he said that "the American Association is a scientific body, and, using the word science in its widest sense, we claim that only that knowledge which is actual should be garnered as wheat, though much undetermined material may be collected for investigation. It is the more or less crude speculation, rather than the established fact, which tends to bring science into discredit. Undoubtedly, in advancing into an unknown country progress must be slow and results more or less doubtful, until the ground has been more thoroughly explored, and the relations of things have been established. But the antagonism of varying views and the cross-questioning of opposing opinion soon bring the truth to light, and fix it as an integral part of science.
"But our Association has for its object to advance science not only by the discovery of new truth, but also by the diffusion of that already known. To this end it extends a cordial recognition to all organizations of whatever sort, whose objects are akin to its own. Being itself national in character, it gives its indorsement to all local enterprises,