4. The late laird of Anantapuram had formerly bestowed the (kumara pattam,) title of "Son" on a marksman at Rāptād named Mekala Chinnaiia [that is Chinnaiia of the goats] : by reason of this
honour he came to receive Basavapa Nayu, and fell at his feet, and then conducted him in ; saying Your making your escape, by the grace of God (swamidaya) is a great means [of victory-] Then Mecala Chinnaiia first wrote letters in his own name to the lairds[1] of Buccapatnam, Cotta cheruvu, Maruru, Muctapuram and other places ; they on reading [the letters] said " Our old masters have come again." They were much pleased and came with their followers to offer gifts : they came to Basavapa Nayudiu
There was formerly a merchant at Anantapuram, named Anantniia of the Baiianna family, who lodged at a village named Glriia durgam in the Tadimarri country. Mecala Chinnaiia wrote letters to him : on receiving them he was much gratified : he instantly set out and went to Raptad where he visited his honour Basavappa. Then his honour narrated to him all his lucky and luckless adventures from the beginning. Then [the merchant] said, " You have come here through many afflictions : hereafter you have no occasion to grieve for any thing: as far as is in my power I will aid you with money : whatever steps you think proper to take regarding politicks, I hope you will take them." So saying he took leave of his honour Basavappa. Then Anantaiia came into the Rāptād suburbs, and supped and lay down to sleep.
5. The next day Basavappa, reflecting on what this Anantaiia had said, called for Mecala Chinnaiia who was at Raptadu, and said to him, "Baiianna-gari- Anantaiia the (comati) merchant will provide batta for the troops. You are to receive the benevolences which are brought by [our friends] who have assembled from Buccapatnam, Cotta Cheruvu, Mariir,([2]) Muctapuram and Goncli-Reddi's hamlet and other places ; arid give bread to such as have brought forces. Then assemble the army."
So saying [Basavanna] gave the assembled rusticks and the army into [Chinnaiia's] hands : while he himself went to Vcmula and