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A. D. 1739, &c.]



10. Afterwards in the year Siddharti [SS. 1661, A. D. 1739] there happened a prodigious flood in the Anantapuram tank. The waters poured over and cut the bank. As a chasm of about thirty fathoms broad was made at a place a quarter of an hour's distance from the pagoda sacred to Ganesa on the east of the village, (A. P.) Ramapa Nayu caused it to he repaired.

After six months Sācam Timma Nayudu, (who was a kinsman of the Tadimarri family,) laird of Topudurru in the Rāyadurgam country on the south west side of Hande Anantapuram[1] wished to obtain [the office of] keeper (Kavali) over the villages in this neighbourhood: and therefore committed outrages in the villages [on those who would not pay him black mail.]

(A. P.) Ramapa Nayu wrote lo him two or three times desiring him not to perpetrate [these] vile acts: but he persisted in committing outrages.[2]

11. Hereupon (A P.) Ramapa Nayu was offended. [He remembered that] in the days of his father Prasannapa Nayu, through the agency of Laççamma, elder sister of Lady Vasantamma, they had committed outrages. [See the beginning of the 2nd chapter.] And that [now] Timma Nayu is doing this mischief, in contempt[3] [of me]. Let us punish [him] and give him no ('place') quarter. He considered thus: and after some days had elapsed he got intelligence that Timma Nayu was at Topadurti: to which place therefore he made a rapid march with his troops. He stormed[4] the fort and seized the town: he set Timma Nayu's little ones[5] at liberty: but beheaded him alone. He ruined the village of Topudurru, destroyed the walls of the fort, laid the suburbs desolate, and sowed the whole ruins with oil seed. Then he again returned to Anantapuram.

  1. This sentence exemplifies the countermarch that happens in translating the southern languages into English.
  2. Chillara caryamulu: literally, mean or petty acts.
  3. Tat-sādhanamuga—lit. by this means: the other manuscript says tātsā-ramga, negligently: that is, "in contempt of me."
  4. Laggalu, are ladder used in stoming a fort.
  5. Lit. with small and little.
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