[Chap. I.
great it was, he caused a (nagar) royal residence to be built before the fort in the village: around which he erected a bastion and governed the realm. In the year SS. 1505 entitled Chitrabhan (A. D. 1582) he died.
11. Then his son Immadi Hampā Nayudu was placed on his throne. From the year SS. 1506 entitled Swabhanu (A. D. 1583) until SS. 1518 titled Manmatha (A. D. 1595) he ruled the realm and he died at Bukka Raya Samudram.
12. While his son Malacappa Nayudu was ruling, Sri Kanga Rayalu (the son of Tirumala Raya ruler of Vidyānagar,) proceeded towards Chandragiri with a view to survey (i. e. rule) his realm. Then the army of the Pacha again marched from the north to seize Vidyānagar: and halted in Kalyanam and Kalburgi and thereabouts. When Sri Ranga Rayalu heard these tidings he rapidly returned to Vidyānagar, and then marched with his army towards Kalyanam and Kalburgi. He summoned Malacappa Nayudu, (who was at Bucca Samudram) with his troops and taking him along with him fought and routed [the Turks].
13. Afterwards, this Malacappa Nayudu took leave of the Rayalu and built a town anew, at Bucca Raya Samudram, and reigned until the year Vicari [A. D. 1599]. Then those [Turkish] Pachas again marched with their armies and warred against Vidyānagar. In this battle Sri Ranga Rayalu not being able to stand his ground was taken prisoner by them.[1] The pachas beginning at Penugonda, conquered all the country, and ruled it.
Afterwards this Malacappa Nayudu on hearing what had happened to Sri Ranga Rayalu, said, The Turks have become mighty: it is not good for us hereafter to take any steps against them. So he betook himself to the Pachas, and behaved obediently in their service So they had great favour to him: they bestowed on him the lands formerly granted by the old Rajahs, and Buccapatnam in the Elemanchi country, and Ananta Sagaram: these two towns with the hamlets under them, and also the title "Padshah Vazir" (Royal Minister').
14. Afterwards this Malacappa Nayudu dwelt at Bucca Raya Saraudram, and sorrowed because that by reason of his dwelling
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