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Cases ruled and adjudged in the


Same Cauſe.

Copy of the Regiſter of Births and Deaths of People called Quakers in England, proved to be a true one before the Lord Mayor of London, allowed to be given in Evidence to prove the death of a Perſon.

Bethel verſus Lloyd and others.

Partition.—Plea non tenuit inſimul, &c. Defendants permitted to give in Evidence to the Jury, that ſome of them were not Tenants of the Freehold[1] but only Tenants at Will.

The Leſſee of Lewis and Mary Weston verſus Thomas Stammers.

An Exemplification of a Will, made in England, and certified generally to have been proved, approved and regiſtered, in the Year 1704, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, under the Seal of the ſaid Prerogative Court, allowed, on Debate, to be read in Evidence to the Jury.

Same Cauſe.

Minutes of the Commiſſioners of property allowed to be given in Evidence.

Same Cauſe.

Depositions taken in a former Cauſe by Rule of Court with Conſent of Parties (in an inferior Court) in which the preſent Defendant was a Party, and where the preſent Title (it was ſaid) came in Queſtion, upon Debate, were ruled by the Court to be no Evidence in this Cauſe: Note. It did not appear that thoſe Depositions were read in Evidence on the former Trial.


  1. Cro. El. 759. Litt. Rep.
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