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So, if the first means fail, then the result will be, that the Pope will draw up the conditions, and I shall supply the glossary thereto. This would not be good.

I have also talked it over with Karl von Miltitz, who does not think this would suffice, yet does not demand a revocation, but wishes all to express an opinion on the question under discussion.

If your Grace thinks I can do anything more, will you graciously tell me how to act? I shall gladly do or suffer anything that I may not again have to enter the arena of conflict. For nothing will come of the revocation. Your Electoral Highness’s obedient chaplain,




The vehement enemy of Luther and the Reformation, which seemed to him like revolution.

February 19, 1519.

My poor prayers are ever at the service of your Royal Highness, Most Serene High-born Prince, Most Gracious Lord! The worthy Dr. John Eck[1] writes that he has besought your Grace, graciously to permit a disputation in Leipsic, in your Grace’s University there, with the excellent Carlstadt.[2] But seeing Dr. Eck professes to desire the disputation with Dr. Carlstadt, whose opinions he has scarcely attacked, while he has combated my doctrines with all his might, I shall appear myself in defense of my propositions, or to receive instructions in the better way.

Therefore, I humbly request your Grace, out of love for the truth, to allow this disputation.

For the highly esteemed gentlemen of the University have just written me, that they have promised Dr. John Eck (which I had heard) to refuse my request.

They accuse me of having made known that a disputation was to be held before I received your Grace’s

  1. Professor In Ingolstadt.
  2. Professor In Wittenberg.
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