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Also, seeing I have kept house at Coburg for half a year, I must mention some drawbacks, but do not wish to burden your Grace therewith, but feel it my duty to make them known, as an order from you to the officials would be sufficient to rectify them. I heard of them through subordinates, but have seen them myself, and all details can be had from Herr von Sternberg and the keeper (Kastner), both of whom privately complained to me, being much distressed over it, and yet were powerless to make any change. They enumerate defects in enclosed paper,[1] and humbly plead that your Grace would issue orders which cannot be disregarded. Your Electoral Highness’s obedient MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)



Luther was now in Wittenberg. He preached before the Elector in Torgau on the first Sunday after his return.

October 31, 1530.

Your accusing me of not writing, most excellent Amsdorf, justifies me in retaliating upon you for your continuous silence. For although knowing how solitary I was, you did not send me a line of consolation, but heaped injury upon injury by persisting in the said silence. And now you accuse me of a neglect which is not mine, but yours.

I wonder if you have, perhaps, meanwhile become Archbishop of Magdeburg and Primate of Germany, that you have so easily forgotten poor me, and administer rebukes in such a high-handed fashion.

For I do not think you should blame me for calling him of Mainz Reverend, unless you thought you were thereby being deprived of your lawful title.

For I only used the word in Court fashion, even as one says “Gracious Sirs” when perhaps speaking to raging devils. But you have given me one pleasure in expressing yourself pleased with my last publication. I could issue nothing more because of my health, and can scarcely revise it, it being

  1. Not Found.
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