Enver's stormy career can only end in blood. For some time past his success has depended upon his ability to shoot first. He and his friends have brought Turkey to the abyss, and only a crushing German victory can save them. They must act on the motto of their Prussian taskmasters, "Ich fresse dick, oder du frisst mich." Enver is no Napoleon, but the stormy petrol of an era of anarchy and chaos. Like many men before him, he is powerless to dispel or to control the spirits whom he himself has invoked. Nothing can avert the final crash. "La Révolution divorce ses enfants."
The Literature of Pangermanism (IV)
This short survey of Pangerman publications would not be complete without some reference to the special literature which has been created by the study of Turkish and Oriental affairs. The economic importance of Austria and Turkey, from the Pangerman point of view, has been explained by Dr. Albert Wirth in the book already mentioned, "Türkei, Oesterreich. Deutschland" (1912), which lays down what may be taken as the Pangerman programme in the Near East.
Turkish propaganda is vigorously carried on by the German-Turkish Union ("Deutsch-Türkische Vereinigung"), whose headquarters are in Berlin; and the leader of that society, Professor Jaeckh, gives some idea of the scope of its activities in his various writings, notably "Deutschland im Orient nach dem Balkankrieg" and "Der aufsteigende Halbmond" ("The Rising Crescent").[1]
The literature which deals with the intricate problems connected with the Orient includes books on India, Arabia,
- ↑ Other leading authorities on Turkish affairs are: E. Bause. "Die Türkei; Eine moderne Geographie" (1915) (a detailed description of the whole country); K. Wiedenfeld. "Die deutsch-türkischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und ihre Entwickelungsmöglichkeiten" (1915) ("The Economic Relations of Germany and Turkey and their Possibilities of Development"; a short, useful sketch); R. Tschudi. "Der Islam und der Krieg" (1914); Jastrow, "{{lang|de|Die Weltstellung Konstantinopels in ihrer historischen Entwickelung" (1915); Fr. Delitzsch, "Die Welt des Islam" (1915): H. Grothe, "Die asiatische Türkei und die deutschen Interessen" ("Asia Minor and German Interests," 2nd ed., 1913); K. Mehrmann, "Der diplomatische Krieg in Vorderasien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Bagdadbahn" (1916) ("The Diplomatic War in Asia Minor with Special Reference to the History of the Bagdad Railway").