consequence. They had inflicted for a long time grievous wrongs on the unyielding man; but in that night he, in his turn, had struck a heavy blow at the vindictive widow's heart, through the slaughter of her son Qastel. As a woman, she was herself sacred, having no violence to fear at his hand personally; but he openly declares his conviction that she was ever hatching plots against his safety, sleeping, when she could sleep, with all the eyes (of her spies)[1] wide open, seeking how best to pour down calamity on his devoted head.
Such is the sense in which I have come to understand the expression and the paragraph. As such I submit it, with all due reserve, to be weighed by the learned.
(Arabic characters)
The L-Poem of The Arabs, by Shanfarà.
1 (1–1).
(Arabic characters)
Get ye up, O sons of my mother, the return of your beasts from their watering; for verily I am eagerly inclined (to be off) to a set, other than you.
2 (2–2).
(Arabic characters)
For matters (to look after) have sprung up; and the night is bright with the moon. The beasts, too, and the saddles, are ready girded for expeditions.
3 (5–5).
(Arabic characters)
And I have (other) familiars besides you;—a fierce wolf. and a sleek spotted (leopard), and a long-maned hyaena.
4 (6–6).
(Arabic characters)
They are a family with whom the confided secret is not betrayed; neither is the offender thrust out for that which has happened.
5 (7–7).
(Arabic characters)
And each one (of them) is vehement in resistance, and brave; only, that I, when the first of the chased beasts present themselves, am (still) braver.
6 (8–8).
(Arabic characters)
And if hands are stretched forth towards the provisions, I am not the most hasty of them. For the greediest of a party is the most hasty.
7 (9–9).
(Arabic characters)
And that is naught but a stretch of (my) generosity, out of a kindness towards them. And the more excellent is he who confers a favour.
8 (10–10).
(Arabic characters)
And verily, there will compensate to me the loss of whom soever requites not a benefit, or is unmindful of its proximity.
9 (11–11).
(Arabic characters)
Three companions;—a dauntless heart, and a trenchant drawn sword, and a slimly-long yellow (bow)
- ↑ The word for "eyes," here, being in the plural, not the dual, cannot mean "her tuo natural eyes."