BOOK I. 16-19
Juliana had the Martyr herself, the Patroness of the church, to inspire and help the artificers. For never would she have accomplished otherwise so vast and beautiful a work, full of heavenly splendour.
No longer dost thou marvel at the glory of them who are passed away: by their art they did not leave a fame so great as is the glory of wise Juliana, who by her work surpassed the skilled design of her ancestors.
18.—On an Uncertain Object[1]
I am the good circle of good Agathonike ...... and she dedicated me to the immaculate Martyr Trophimus.
To the Saviour
O Thou Who guardest the wise womb of the everflowing fire, Who art enthroned on the revolving necessity of the Universe, Christ, vivifying Source of the divinely appointed life, first begotten Voice of God the ineffable Father, Who, after the burden of Thy Mother's pangs and the self-accomplished birth from a marriage without bridegroom, didst arrest the heterodox rage of the Syrian race, and dissolve the falsely named rites of empty idols, and then didst ascend the seven-zoned belt of heaven seated on the unspeakable angelic wings, have mercy on me, venerated Rye of God, the Maker of all things. Keeper of life. Saviour of men. Lord of Eternity.
- ↑ The epigram is imperfect.