tried, and failing in the very strength of the character which he afterwards perfected. Thus St. Peter, denying in fear, is afterwards the Apostle of courage; and St. John, who, with his brother, would have burnt the inhospitable village, is afterwards the Apostle of love. Understanding this, you see that in the sides of the porch, the apostles with their special virtues stand thus in opposite ranks.
Now you see how these virtues answer to each other in their opposite ranks. Remember the left-hand side is always the first, and see how the left-hand virtues lead to the right hand:—
Courage | to | Faith. |
Patience | to | Hope. |
Gentillesse | to | Charity. |
Love | to | Chastity. |
Obedience | to | Wisdom. |
Perseverance | to | Humility. |
38. Note farther that the Apostles are all tranquil, nearly all with books, some with crosses, but all with the same message,—"Peace be to this house. And if the Son of Peace be there," etc.[1]
But the Prophets—all seeking, or wistful, or tormented, or wondering, or praying, except only
- ↑ The modern slang name for a priest, among the mob of France, is a 'Pax Vobiscum,' or .shortly, a Vobiscum.