Nineteenth Day
Relapses. — Luke xi. 21, 26; Heb. vi. 4-9; 2 Pet. ii. 20-22.
TO strengthen ourselves against relapses we may dwell on what is said in St Luke about the 'strong man armed.’[1] 'The strong man armed ’ is the devil. Consider these words: ‘ what he possesses is in peace.’ Think of the unhappy peace enjoyed by sinners. Conscience asleep, we see ourselves perishing, unmoved and in cold blood; the pleasures of sense bewitch us, and the devil reigns tranquilly in our souls. When Jesus Christ rouses the hardened heart and we do penance, the ' strong man ’ is driven away; but he has not done with us, and will not give up his possession. He returns with seven devils worse than himself. Weigh well what then follows. These impure spirits sully afresh the dwelling purged by penance, and there establish
- ↑ Luke xi. 21, seq.