The School Bell[1] (Pat's Pick, page 58.)
Key of 0.
Hark! the school bell now is ringing, Half past eight, 'tis time to go; Happy boys and girls are singing, Marching on all in a row; Soon the hour will come for study, Let us strive our work to do, Learn the lesson that's assigned us, And obey our teacher too. Chorus—Hark! the bell, sweet bell, chiming bell, Calling us away to school, Do not play by the way, 'Tis against the teacher's rule,. Hark! the school bell now is ringing, Hurry, for the clock is slow, jeave your romping, skipping, swinging, 'Tis no time for play, you know. Keep your faces bright and airy, Learn to love what you must do; Playing makes us gay and happy, Study brings us pleasure too.—Cho. Hark! the school bell now is ringing, Freely we will heed the sound. Willing mind and courage bringing, Helps us in the daily round; Morn and noon 'tis ringing, ringing, Ever like a glad refrain; Soon 'twill ring for other children, Never ring for us again.—Cho.
- ↑ By a slight change in the chorus this may be made into six verses and sung to the tune "Shall We Gather at the River?" The chorus may be omitted, and the second half of each verse be sung as the chorus.