These looms, with, the aid of the Jacquard attachment, have enlarged the field of art in woolen fabrics, so that it now presents a limitless opportunity for the play of genius. In this direction we may look for constant advances. In recognition of the opportunity, textile schools for the better education of those who have to do practically with the manufacture have been established in the chief manufacturing nations of the Continent and in England. The influence of these schools upon the character of woolen fabrics is increasingly perceptible and is most gratifying. It is this influence which to-day constitutes the chief advantage which foreign manufacturers possess over those of the United States in the woolen manufacture. Nor can we hope to equal their achievements in this country until we have supplied the means for the better technical education of those who determine the character of the fabrics made in the American mills. In machinery equipment, and in all appliances for economical production, our best mills are fully abreast of the best foreign mills. But in the character of our products we continue to be imitators rather than originators.
SOME most important facts have come to light during the past two years bearing upon the connection of man with the Ice age in North America.
In October, 1889, Mr. W. C. Mills, president of a local archæological society of some importance at Newcomerstown, on the Tuscarawas River, in Ohio (see map), found a flint implement of palæolithic type fifteen feet below the surface of the glacial terrace bordering the valley at that place. The facts were noted by Mr. Mills in his memorandum-book at the time, and the implement was placed with others in his collection. But, as he was not familiar with implements of that type, and did not at the time know the significance of these gravel deposits, nothing was said about it until meeting me the following spring, when I was led from his account to suspect the importance of the discovery. Mr. Mills soon after sent the implement to me for examination, and its value at once became apparent. In company with Judge C. C. Baldwin and two or three other prominent citizens of Cleveland, I immediately visited Newcomerstown. A cut of the implement is given in the accompanying pages, made from a photograph one
- ↑ From supplementary notes to the new edition of The Ice Age in North America, and its Bearings on the Antiquity of Man. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1891.