Roubal.—Well, then give him fanfares, for all I care; but attend to the matter. (The Teacher's Assistant and Všetečka go out to the right at the rear.)
Scene XIV
Gulich, Roubal.
Gülich (Coming in from the left, whence is dimly heard dance music).—Where are you going now, Mr. Steward?
Roubal (Walking off).—To have a little drink. A man barely sits down, has a sip, and it's time for him to get up again. And where are you—?
Gülich (With forced humor).—I'll be running away soon. If that Chadima—
Gülich—He is forever strolling about. I can see by the way he acts that he is up to something. And if he has a notion in his head, er könnte was provocieren.[1]
Roubal (Chuckling).—So I think—a rocky fellow! And if he is drunk! Just consider, since even the tame one bristles up his back—!
Gülich—You haven't seen the registrar's wife? The registrar is looking for her.
Roubal.—No, probably she too is raising the echoes with Mrs. Roller. They know how. Gehorsamster.[2] (Goes out on the left in the foreground.
Scene XV
Gulich, Mrs. Roller, Mrs. Roubínek.
Gulich advances to the foreground and sits down under the oak.
Mrs. Roller (Glancing out of the temple door: sweetly).—Herr Doctor!
Gülich (Surprised).—Madam, you—im Tempel der Verschwiegenheit![3]
Mrs. Roller.—O, it is beautiful here; so still, so—![4] Would you not like to come in?