On him, to raise the towers of Ilium's wall,
Wide-ruling Neptune and Latona's son
Deign'd in the mighty work for aid to call.
Those towers which, when her destined course was run, 50
Tremendous war's depopulating sway
Should on the ground in smoky ruin lay. 47
When now complete the stately pile appear'd,
Their hostile forms three azure dragons rear'd;
But from the threaten'd wall with gasping breath 55
Two fell exhausted in the pangs of death.
One with terrific shout advancing still,
Apollo thus pronounced the boded ill:
"Uprear'd, great hero, by thy hand,
Prostrate shall Pergamus be laid; 60
(For true will future ages prove
The omen sent from thundering Jove;)
But not without thy children's aid—
What by the fathers is begun,
Shall in the fourth succeeding age be done." [1] 59 65
Thus having clear'd the fatal sign,
Sure presage of the will divine,
To Xanthus and the Amazonian band,
Whose guiding rein the generous steeds obey,
And where flows Ister through the Scythian land,
His flaming chariot urged its rapid way. 71
But he who wields the trident's might,
His course to sea-beat Isthmus bent,
And with his golden coursers' flight
Hither great Æacus he sent 75
To view from Corinth's lofty brow
His solemn festival below. 69
But no delight to men secure
Shall in this earthly state endure.
- ↑ Telamon and Neoptolemus.