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what Dr. Middleton [1] observed in the Mummy which was opened at Cambridge; from the Memoires of Count Caylus, in the 23d vol. of Acad. des Inscript. et Belles Lettres; and from this present examination; it appears, that various methods of embalming were practised among the Ægyptians; and that they used different materials for this purpose: and though Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus have given us reason to expect to find the bodies in a much more perfect state, than we ever do meet with them, yet, on the other hand, it is evident; from the foot of this Mummy which we examined, and from the account Mons. Rouelle and Count Caylus have given us in the above mentioned Memoires; that all the fleshy parts were not always previously destroyed.
- ↑ Middleton's works, vol. 4. Germana quædam Antiquitatis monumenta.
II. The