hath publish'd Tables of the Motion of the Safellits of Jupiter, with an Ephemeris of the same for this present year: All which are there much applauded. The like Tables have been formerly publish'd by the Learn'd John Baptist Hodinera at Rome about 1656. which we intimate, because that and other Works of that knowing Author are here scarcely known nomine tenus.
In another Letter of this Author to the same F. C. (which is an answer to a Quære, whether Antimo Fabry, by some suppos'd to be Hon. Fabry, the Author of a Tract entituled "Opusculum Geometricum de linea Sinuum & Cycloide", printed at Rome An. 1659. had publisht the Treatises promised in the Preface thereof, viz, a Century de Maximis & Minimis; and some other Geometrical Tracts, as precursory to his, intended General Body of Geometry) he answers[errata 1], that none of these Treatises are extant; that Mich. Angeo Ricci only, (since Viviani) hath written de Maximis & Minimis in two sheets, but to extraordinary good purpose. The Argument, doubtless, concerns either the Limits of Geometrical Problems, or of Æquation. Concerning the latter; we shall here intimate, that Erasmus Bartholinus hath well handled the same in his Treatise, entitul'd, Dioristice five Methodus Æquationum prima & secunda, Hafniæ, 1663; which are different from those of de Beaune formerly publisht: At the end of which Treatise the said Bartholinus prorniseth a General Body of Algebra, wherein the Precepts shall be explain'd by Examples. The same Author hath publisht other Treatises, which we do not find to have been brought over; as one, De Arte Analytica inveniendi omnia Problemata Proportionalium maximé Harmonicorum, Hafniæ, 1657. in 4°, Another, de Problematibus Mathematicis ibid. A. 1665. in 4°.
II. AN INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA, Translated out of High-Dutch into English by THO. BRANKER. M. A. much alter'd and augmented. Dr. J. P. Also a Table of such odd Numbers, as are less than one hundred thousand, shewing those that are Incomposit, and resolving the rest into their Factors or Coefficients. Printed at London in 4°
First, as to the Method of this Book, it is New, such as con-