Num. 18.
Munday, October 22. 1666.
The Contents.
IN performance of what was promised in the last of these Papers for Observing the Tides, here are subjoined Patternes of the Tables there mentioned: One, for marking[errata 1] the precise Time of the High-waters and Low-waters during one Month; that is, between New and New Moon, or Full and Full Moon. The other, for marking the Degrees of the Risings and Fallings of the Water in Equal spaces of Time, and the Velocity of its motion at several heights: The Degrees of Heat and Cold, &c.
The Times, assigned in the first, to the High-waters and Lowest Ebbs, are taken out of Mr. Wings's Almanack, for this present year 1666, as he calculates them for the Month of September for London Bridge. Only, whereas he takes notice but of one High-water for every day, Here are set