Gravina teaches as follows: 'To the Pontiff, as one (person) and alone, it was given to be the head;' and again, 'The Roman Pontiff for the time being is one, therefore he alone has infallibility.'[1]
Vincentius Ferré says, 'The exposition of certain Paris (doctors) is of no avail, who affirm that Christ only promised that the faith should not fail of the Church founded upon Peter; and not that it should not fail in the successors of Peter taken apart from (seorsum) the Church.' He adds that our Lord said, 'I have prayed for thee, Peter; sufficiently showing that the infallibility was not promised to the Church as apart from (seorsum) the head, but promised to the head, that from him it should be derived to the Church.'[2]
Marchese, before quoted, repeats the same words,[3]
- ↑ 'Uni et soli Pontifici datura est esse caput.'—Gravina, de supremo Judice controv. Fidei, quæst. i. apud Rocaberti, tom. viii. p. 392.
'Nullus in terra reperitur alter, qui cæteris sit in fide firmior et constantior sciatur esse quam unus Pontifex Romanus pro tempore; ergo et ipse solus habet infallibilitatem.'—Gravina, quæst. ii. apud Rocaberti, tom. viii. p. 422.
- ↑ 'Nec valet expositio aliquorum Parisiensium affirmantium hic Christum tantum promisisse fidem non defecturam Ecclesiæ fundatæ super Petrum, non vero promisisse non defecturam in successoribus Petri seorsum ab Ecclesia sumptis. Christus dicens, ego autem rogavi pro te Petre, satis designat hanc infallibilitatem non promissam Ecclesiæ ut seorsum a capite, sed promissam capiti, ut ex illo derivetur ad Ecclesiam.'—Ferre, De Fide, quæst. xii. apud Rocaberti, tom. xx. p. 388.
- ↑ Summo Pontifici secluso Cardinalium Collegio hoc privilegium concessit.'—Marchese, de Capite visibili Ecclesiæ, disput. iii. dub. 2, p. 719; apud Rocaberti, tom. ix.
'Soli Romano Pontifici in persona Petri commissa est cura totius Ecclesiæ et firmitas et certitudo in definiendo res fidei.'—Marchese, disput. v. dub. 1, sect. 2, p. 785; apud Rocaberti, tom. ix.
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