Supreme Pontiff cannot err, but neither (can he err) in moral precepts which are enjoined on the whole Church, and which are conversant with things necessary to salvation, or with those which are in themselves good or evil.'[1]
Gregory of Valentia says, 'Without any restriction it is to be said, that whatsoever the Pontiff determines in controverted matters which have respect to piety, he determines infallibly; when, as it has been stated, he obliges the whole Church;' and again, 'Whatsoever the Pontiff asserts in any controverted matter of religion, it is to be believed that he asserts infallibly by his Pontifical authority, that is, by Divine assistance.'[2]
Bannez proposes the thesis in these words: 'Can (the Roman Pontiff) err in defining matters of faith?'[3]
S. Antoninus says, 'It is necessary to admit one head in the Church, to whom it belongs to clear up
- ↑ In his quæ ad fidem pertinent.' 'Pontifex Romanus non potest errare in fide.' 'Non solum in decretis fidei en-are non potest Summus Pontifex, sed neque in præceptis morum, quæ toti Ecclesiæ præscribuntur, et quæ in rebus necessariis ad salutem, vel in iis quæ per se bona vel mala sunt, versantur.'—Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, lib. iv. capp. iii. v. pp. 795, 804. Venice, 1599.
- ↑ 'Absque ulla restrictione dicendum est, quicquid Pontifex in rebus controversis ad pietatem spectantibus determinat, infallibiliter ilium determinare, quando, ut expositum est, universam Ecclesiam obligat.' Greg. de Valentia, Opp. tom. iii. disp. i. qu. i. 'De Objecto Fidei,' punct. vii. s. 40, p. 312. Ingolstadt, 1595.
'Quæcumque Pontifex in aliqua re de religione controversa sic asserit, certa fide credendum est ilium infallibiliter, utpote ex auctoritate Pontificia, i.e. ex Divina assistentia, asserere.'—Ibid. s. 39, p. 303.
- ↑ 'An possit in rebus fidei definiendis errare?'—In Sum. S. Th. Q. 2. q. 1. art. 10.