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Carver's Source for Oregon


with us preasents Sutable for to pass through the Naudowessee with—and secondly that as Major Rogers had by Letters informed us/ That he would send us a Supply by the way of Lake Superior and the Grand Portage of such Goods for Presents to the Indians when we should have occasion to Pass as we should stand in need of—thirdly that affirm'd as a Reason for their not being willing to go by the way of the Naudowessee was for fear of war parties towards the head of the Mississippi which often Pass there in the Summer Season—the 29 of May we set of up the Chipeway River. * * *

July 12 arr'd at a small Chipeway Village on the entrance of the River St. Louis at the Western Extremity of Lake Superior. * * *

July 14 took our Departure from this Town the 19 arrived at the Grand Portage, August 2nd. Came two canoes in the morning, in the afternoon four more, these being some traders bound to the Northwest of the (sic) we procured some supplys till the Succours Expected from Maj'r Rogers should come. Aug'st 7th This day Mr. Francis a Trader Bound to the Northwest Came in and Brought some Letters from Major Rogers by which we understood we was to have no supplys this year from him at the same time desired us to Push on for our Discovery the same day Capt. Tute Call'd a Counsel to know what was to be done in our then unhappy Condition No provision or goods to get any with, when it was universally agreed to Return to Michillimackinac and give over our intended Expedition accordingly the next day took our Leave of the King of the Christinoes Came Round on the North and East Side of Lake Superior and arriv'd to St. Mary's[1] August the 27th. Lake Superior from the Western end which is properly a Bay from the Islands call'd the 12 apostles westward around on the North North East and East to the Straits of St. Maries it seems to Lye in one Continued Jungle of Rocks the Land very mountainous for Thousands of acres together in many places a firm Rock except some chasms where grow some small scrubby Trees.—the Land about St. Mary's is tolerable good the Fort consists of only some old Stockades round a house the whole very much decay'd and Gone to Ruin

  1. Sault Ste. Marie.
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