Man.—Indicate with both hands the outline of a beard. The size of the beard denotes the age—a great beard is a great age, i.e., an old man (Wurunjerri). Indicate the beard with the right hand, as of passing the hand down it. For an old man, tap lightly several times on the top of the head (Dieri).[1] Clutch the beard and shake it (Dieri).[1] Close the right hand except the middle finger, then describe a small circle with it (Aldolinga).[2] Touch the beard (Eucla).[3]
Mother.—Take hold of the breast with one hand and shake it (Dieri).[1]
No; Not; None.—Shake the head (Wurunjerri). Shake the head several times, the hand being raised as high as the face, and held loosely pendent from the wrist, as if shaking something from the fingers (Dieri),[1] also (Yantruwunta). Shake the head (Dieri).[1] Hold the right hand palm outwards, then point upwards (Aldolinga).[2] Shake the head several times, then wave the hand from the breast, palm downwards (Kuriwalu).[4] Shake the head and raise the hand to the front (Mundainbura).[5]
Peace.—Hold up both hands at full length, open palms outwards above the head (Yantruwunta). The same, or hold one hand up, and shake the fingers as if making the sign for nothing (Dieri).[1] Hand thrown forward, full length from the body, palm downwards, and head bent back (Kuriwalu).[4]
Salt water.—Point to the mouth, and touch the point of the tongue with the finger (Dieri).[1] The same for the Yantruwunta. Rub the windpipe with thumb and forefinger (Wolgal).
Silence; Say no more.—Thumb of each hand turned inwards, then stoop and extend the hands full length. This also implies a threat of strangling, and is used, for instance, by the old men to the young men when they are misbehaving themselves (Dieri).[1]
Sit down.—Make the sign for halt. Stop and point to the ground (Wurunjerri). Extend the arm towards the