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kutenai tales


33. The Sun[1]

Coyote went along with Chicken Hawk. Coyote said: | "Let us go there far away, where the people are making | the sun." Coyote said first: "I'll be | the sun." (Chicken Hawk said:) "I first." || Coyote said: "No." Then they started. They went along. Chicken 5 Hawk said: | "You shall listen to me." Coyote said: | "What is it?" Chicken Hawk said: "It is where we are going." | Coyote said: "What is it?" (Chicken Hawk said:) "Then we'll stay | over there. There will be grease. When people pass, || they bite off a 10 piece." They arrived there. Chicken Hawk bit off a piece. | "Now you," said Chicken Hawk. Then Chicken Hawk passed. | Then Coyote took it. The grease fell down. | Coyote went rolling along. Then | Coyote started. He went quickly. Chicken Hawk overtook him. || Chicken Hawk said: "Listen to me, what I tell you."[2] Then | 15 he did not speak. They arrived there. Then in the evening Coyote said: | "I first." Chicken Hawk said: "No." Then | they started early. After a little while it was evening. Coyote arrived. | The people said: "Coyote is bad." || After a little while Chicken 20 Hawk said: "Now I, now I myself shall | start." Thus spoke Chicken Hawk. Then the sun rose. | Chicken Hawk was a good sun. Coyote was angry. He thought | he would shoot Chicken Hawk. Coyote's arrow burned. | His arrow and his bow were all burned. He put it down. || The earth was all burned. He started running, and 25 everything was on fire. | He did not know what to do. He came to a trail | and lay down there. The trail did not burn. | Then Coyote said: "I am glad that I am not dead." | Enough. ||

34. Fox and Skunk[3]

Skunk was going along. There was Fox. He carried a | pot.[4] 30 He wanted to sit down. He put down his pot. He went along. | (Skunk) said: "There is nothing I am afraid of." He said: | "The only thing I am afraid of is whistling." Then | he sat down. Fox arose. There was the sound of whistling. || Skunk ran away. Fox 35 broke the pot. | Fox started. Skunk arrived. | He saw that his pot was broken. He cried. He thought | he would kill Fox. Then Skunk started. He saw | a river. He was going to drink. He saw Fox inside || the water. Then he squirted his fluid at him. He be- 40

came tired. He lay down and | looked up. He saw Fox, being above. Then | he turned around. He thought he would squirt his fluid at him, but Fox shot him. | Enough.

  1. See pp. 66, 116.
  2. See p. 110.
  3. See pp. 23, 40.
  4. That is, Fox was in the pot that Skunk was carrying.
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