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there, saying to her, " Remain here, noble lady, until the king shall come this way."

In the meanwhile the king came there, and Indumatí rose up, and having been introduced by the queen, bowed before him, and he received her graciously. And she gave to that king a crest-jewel sent by Svayam prabhá, that was a talisman against poison, Rákshasas, old age, and disease.*[1] The king said, " I will accept this jewel when I have kept my promise; but the ready-witted Indumatí said to him, "A promise made by the king is as good as kept. But, if your Majesty will accept this, we shall be very much comforted." When she made this speech, the queen observed, " Well said," and took that crest-jewel, and fastened it on the king's head.

Then Indumatí repeated to the king the message of Svayamprabhá, as she had delivered it to the queen; then the king, being entreated to the same effect by the queen, went on to say to Indumatí, " Remain here for to-day; to-morrow morning I will give you an answer."

Having said this, king Merudhvaja allowed a night to pass, and the next morning he summoned his ministers, and said to Indumatí, " Noble lady, go with these ministers of mine, an<l after informing Trailokyamálin, bring from Pátála those Asura ladies, Svayamprabhá and the others, and all the principal inhabitants of Pátála, and the water of ordeal connected with Hátakeśvara, in a sealed vessel. And let Svayamprabhá and the others touch the feet of Svayamprabhá's husband, in the presence of my ministers, and by solemn oaths make themselves sureties for this, namely, that Trailokyamálin, with his friends and servants, shall ever remain firm in his allegiance to me, and that the Nágas shall not injure the crops. And let all the lords in Pátála be sureties to the same effect, and let them all, with their king, give their children as hostages,†[2] and let them all, with their king, put this in writing, and drink the water of ordeal in which the image of Hátakeśvara has been washed : then I will release Trailokyamálin from prison."

Having said so much, the king sent off Indumatí with his ministers. She went with them, and informed Trailokyamálin of what was being done, and as he approved of her proceedings, she went in the same way to Pátála, and she brought there Svayamprabhá and the others, and the

    • The KaKuv Kal y-fipaos &cap of Empedocles. Sir Thomas Browne in his Vulgar Errors, Book II., Ch. V, Sec 11, makes mention of the supposed magic virtues of gems. He will not deny that bezoar is antidotal," but will not believe that a "sapphire is preservative against enchantments."
  1. † All the India Office MSS. and the Sanskrit College MS. read apntyáni for asatyáni. I have adopted it. In sl. 29 two MSS. and the Sanskrit College MS. have sarvánga the other sarvángam. I do not understand the passage.
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