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Then, the battle having come to an end, and the gods, who were present in their chariots, having departed, after showering mandára flowers, an universal rejoicing took place over the whole world, and the victorious king Merudhvaja said to his two sons, " I will remain hero for the present to guard the sacrifice, and do you march to Pátála with these soldiers of ours, who have possessed themselves of many chariots belonging to the Daityas, and with those soldiers of the Asura army who have escaped destruction. And conciliate and win over to our allegiance the inhabitants of Pátála, and appoint chief governors throughout the territory, and having thus taken possession of it you must return here."

When the heroic Muktáphaladhvaja, who was mounted on his heavenly steed, that went with a wish, and Malayadhvaja heard this, the two brothers, with their forces, entered Rasátala, together with that portion of the army of the Dánavas, that had made submission, which marched in front of them. And they killed the guards that opposed them in various places, and proclaimed an amnesty to the others by beat of drum. And, as the people shewed confidence and were submissive, they took possession of the seven Rasátalas, adorned with splendid palaces*[1] built of various jewels, and they enjoyed those palaces which were rendered delightful by gardens that gratified every wish, and had in them lakes of heavenly wine with many ladders of precious stone. And there they beheld Dánava ladies of wonderful beauty, and their daughters, who by means of magic concealed their forms within trees.

And then Svayamvaraprabhá, the wife of Trailokyamálin, began austerities in order to bring about the welfare of her imprisoned husband, and in the same way her daughters, Trailokyaprabhá and Tribhuvanaprabhá, began austerities for the welfare of their father.

And those princes honoured with various favours all the inhabitants of Pátála, who were happy now that they bad obtained repose; and they appointed Sangrámasinha and others governors, and went to their father in the hermitage of Tapodhana.

And in the meanwhile the sacrifice of the hermit there reached completion, and the gods and the ŗishis prepared to go to their own abodes. †[2]And as Indra was exceedingly pleased, Merudhvaja said to him, " Come with me to my city, king of heaven, if thou be pleased with me." When

    • The three India Office MSS., read puraśatair, " hundreds of cities?" In any case varais should be varair.
  1. † Böhtlingk and Roth would read svadhishnyáni for swádhisțháni in Taranga 120, 25. Here Brockhaus reads svádhisțhán ŗishayas which I find in MS. No 1882; No 3003 has what, judging from the way shn is written in this MS., I tike to be svadhishnyányashayas. No 2166 has what for similar reasons I take to be svadhishinánŗishayas. The Sanskrit College MS. has svadhishțányŗishayas.
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