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ed only as necessary evils. One special class of females,—the Mothers-Elect of the race,—do condescend to consort with males, during a very brief period, at particular seasons. But the Mothers-Elect do not work; and they must accept husbands. A worker could not even dream of keeping company with a male,—not merely because such association would signify the most frivolous waste of time, not yet because the worker necessarily regards all males with unspeakable contempt; but because the worker is incabable of wedlock. Some workers, indeed, are capable of parthenogenesis, and give birth to children who never had fathers.[1] As a general rule, however the worker is truly feminine by her moral instincts only: she has all the tenderness, the patience, and the foresight that we call "maternal"; but her sex has disappeared, like the sex of the Dragon-Maiden[2] in the Buddhist legend. For defense against creatures of prey, or enemies of the state, the workers are provided with weapons; and they are furthermore protected by a large military force. The warriors are so much bigger than the workers (in some communities, at least) that it is difficult, at first sight, to believe them of the same race. Soldiers one hundred times larger