life for one accustomed to live in the world and in society ! Yet there is no lack of candidates for each vacancy; and the prior told our tra- vellers that the number of vocations of late years had increased. There is a fine old marble seat and cross in the garden, erected by the late bishop, from whence there is a magnificent view over the whole country. The cold in winter is intense, and they are not allowed any fires, except what is absolutely necessary for the cooking of their miserable meal. Taking leave of the prior in his little * parloir,' and receiving a rosary fi-om him made of the wood of the ' Carouba,' by the her- mits themselves, the visitors retraced their steps down the hill, feeling as if they had been spending the last couple of hours in another world ; and, rejoining their carriages at the villa, made the circuit of the city walls, which are partly Moorish, built of tapia, and described by Julius CaBsar. Then one of the party went to see the Carmelite [1]
- ↑ sainte et sublime chose. La v6rit^ est que pour accorder k son corps le plaisir, il suffit d'etre l^lie, et que pour infliger k son corps la douleur volontaire dans un but de restauration morale, il faut etre courageux, il faut etre vraiment grand. La v^rite est enfin que cette race de mortifies, mieux que tout autre, maintient a sa vraie hauteur le niyeau de Thumanit^, et tient dans sa main intr6pide, avec le fouet dont elle se firappe elle-m^me, le drapeau du progres. Le chemin du progres, comme celui du Calvaire, est un chemin dou- loureux. Le drapeau de Tausterit^ chr6tienne triomphera une fois de plus dans le monde du sensualisme pa'ien de nos jours.'