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vii, 16]

Secundum Iohannem


7. Ne mæg middaneard ēow hatigean; ac hē hatað mē, for þām ic cȳþe gewitnesse be him þæt his weorc synt yfele.[1]

8. Fare gē to þison frēolsdæge; ic ne fare tō þison frēolsdæge, for þām mīn tīd nis gȳt gefylled.[2]

9. Hē wunede on Galilea, þā hē þās þing sǣde.[3]

10. Eft þā his gebrōðru fōron, þā fōr hē ēac tō ðām freolsdæge, næs nā openlīce [ac dīgollīce].[4]

11. Đā Iudeas hyne sōhton on þām frēolsdæge, and cwǣdon, Hwār is hē?

12. And mycel gehlȳd wæs on þǣre menigeo be him. Sume cwǣdon, He is gōd; ōðre cwǣdon, Nese, ac he beswīcð þis folc.[5]

13. Þeah hwæþere ne spæc nān man openlīce be him for þǣra Iudea ege.[6]

Ðys [godspel] sceal on mydlengtenes wucan on tȳwesdæg.

14. Þā hit wæs mid dæg þæs frēolsdæges, þā ēode sē Hǣlend intō þām temple, and lǣrde.[7]

15. And þā Iudeas wundredon and cwǣdon, Hūmeta cann þēs stafas, þonne hē ne leornode?[8]

16. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæþ, Mīn lār nis nā mīn, ac þæs þe mē sende.[9]

  1. A, B, C, hatian; A, synd.
  2. A, Faran; A, þysson; A, þysum.
  3. A, wunode.
  4. A, B, C, broðru; Corp., om. ac digollice, A, ac dygollice, B, C, ac digellice.
  5. A, mænio.
  6. A, hwæðre.
  7. C, þæs freald dæges.
  8. A, can.
  9. Corp., B, C, mi lar, A, myn lar.
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