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iv, 53]

Secundum Iohannem


46. And hē cōm eft tō Chanaa Galileę, þǣr hē

worhte þæt wīn of watere.[1]

Ðys godspel gebyrað ofer pentecosten, on þǣre ān and twēntygoðan wucan, on sunnandæg.

Sum undercyning wæs, þæs sunu was gesȳclod on Capharnaum.

47. Þā þā sē gehȳrde þæt sē Hælend fōr fram Iudea tō Galilea, hē com tō him and bæd hine þæt hē fōre and gehǣlde his sunu; sōðlīce hē læg æt forðfōre.

48. Đā cwǣþ sē Hǣlend tō him, Buton gē tācna and forebēacna gesēon, ne gelȳfe gē.

49. Đā cwæð sē undercing tō him, Đrihten, far ǣr mīn sunu swelte.[2]

50. And sē Hælend cwæð, Gā, þīn sunu leofað. Đā ēode hē, and gelȳfde þǣre sprǣce þe sē Hǣlend him sǣde.

51. Đā hē fōr, þā urnon his þēowas ongēan hyne, and sǣdon þæt his sunu leofode.[3]

52. Đā āxode hē tō hwylcon tīman him bet wǣre. And hī sǣdon him, Gyrstandæg tō þǣre seofoþan tīde sē fēfor hine forlēt.[4]

53. Đā ongeat sē fæder þæt hit was on þǣre tīde ðe sē Hǣlend cwæð, Þīn sunu leofað. And hē gelȳfde and eall his hīwrǣden.[5]

  1. Corp., B, C, chanaa galilee, A, chanaan galileę; C, worhe (for worhte); A, wyn of þam; A, gesiclod.
  2. A, undercyning.
  3. B, C, ongen; A, lyfode.
  4. A, acsode; A, hwylcum tyman; B, C, gyrsandæg; A, seofeðan tyde; A, fefer.
  5. B, C, onget; A, eal hys hywræden (altered to -rædden).
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