[iii, 24-
24. Ðā gȳt næs Iohannes gedōn on cweartern.
25. Þā smēadon Iohannes leorningcnihtas and þā Iudeas be þǣre clǣnsunge,[1]
26. and cōmon tō Iohanne, and cwǣdon tō him, Rabbī, sē ðe mid þē was begeondan Iordane, be ðām þū cȳðdest gewitnesse, nū hē fullaþ, and ealle hig cumaþ tō him.[2]
27. Iohannes andwurde and cwæð, Ne mæg mann nān þing underfōn, būton hit bēo [him] of heofonum geseald.[3]
28. Gē sylfe mē synd tō gewitnesse þæt ic sǣde, Ne eom ic Crīst, ac ic eom āsend beforan hine.[4]
29. Sē ðe brȳde hæfð sē is brȳdguma; sē þe is þæs brȳdguman frēond and stent and gehȳrþ hyne, mid gefēan he geblissað for þæs brȳdguman stefne: þēs mīn gefēa is gefylled.
30. Hit gebyrað þæt hē weaxe, and þæt ic wanige.[5]
31. Sē ðe ufenan cōm sē is ofer ealle; sē þe of eorðan is sē sprycþ be eorðan; sē þe of heofone cōm sē is ofer ealle.