iii, 7]
Secundum Iohannem
1. Sōðlīce sum Phariseisc man wæs genemned Nichodemus, sē wæs Iudea ealdor.
2. Đēs cōm tō him on niht, and cwæð tō him, Rabbī, þæt is, Lārēow, wē witon þæt þū cōme fram Gode; ne mæg nān man þās tācn wyrcan þe ðū wyrcst, būton God bēo mid him.[1]
3. Sē Hǣlend him andswarude and cwæð, Sōð ic þē secge, Būton hwā bēo ednīwan gecenned, ne mæg hē gesēon Godes rīce.[2]
4. Đā cwæð Nichodemus tō him, Hū mæg man bēon eft ācenned þonne hē bið eald? Cwyst ðū mæg hē eft cuman on his mōdor innoð and bēon eft ācenned?[3]
5. Sē Hǣlend him andswarude and cwæð, Sōþ ic þē secge, Būton hwā bēo geedcenned of wætere and of Hāligum Gāste, ne mæg hē in faran on Godes rīce.[4]
6. Ðæt þe ācenned is of flǣsce þæt is flǣsc; and þæt þe of Gāste is ācenned þæt is gāst.
7. Ne wundra þū for ðām þe ic sǣde þē, Ēow gebyrað þæt gē bēon ācennede ednīwan.