ii, 17]
Secundum Iohannem
worhte on Chanaa Galilee, and geswutelode his wuldor; and his leorningcnihtas gelȳfdon on hine.[1]
12. Æfter þyson he and hys mōdor and his gebrōðru and his leorningcnihtas fōron tō Capharnaum, and wunedon þār fēawa daga.[2]
13. And hit was nēah Iudea ēastron, and sē Hǣlend fōr tō Ierusalem,[3]
14. and gemētte on þām temple þā ðe sealdon oxan and scēap and culfran, and sittende myneteras.[4]
15. And hē worhte swipan of strengon, and hig ealle of ðām temple ādrāf, ge scēap ge oxan; and hē āgēat þāra mynetera feoh, and tōwearp hyra mȳsan;[5]
16. and sǣde þām þe ðā culfran cȳpton, Dōð þās þing heonon; ne wyrce gē mīnes Fæder hūs tō mangunghūse.[6]
17. Þā gemundon his leorningcnihtas þæt ðe āwriten is, Þīnes hūses anda mē et.
- ↑ A, chanaan; Corp., A, galileę, B, C, galilee, Skeat, galileæ
- ↑ A, B, C, Æfter with large (illuminated) initial, Corp., space left for initial, at the middle of the line; A, þyssum; A, moder; C, foran; B, wunedon (altered from wenedon), C, wenedon; B, C, þær.
- ↑ A, hierusalem.
- ↑ Corp., oxsan, A, B, C, oxan.
- ↑ Corp., oxsan, A, B, C, oxan; A, and ageat (om. he); A, þæra; A, heora.
- ↑ A, heonon, C, heonan; Corp. feder, A, B, C, fæder.