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[ii, 2-

2. Sōþlīce sē Hǣlend and his leorningcnihtas wǣron gelaðode tō þām gyfton.[1]

3. And þā þæt wīn getēorude, þā cwæð þæs Hǣlendes mōdor tō him, Hī nabbað wīn.[2]

4. Þā cwæþ sē Hǣlend tō hyre, Lā wif, hwæt is mē and þē? gȳt mīn tīma ne cōm.[3]

5. Đā cwæð þæs Hǣlendes mōdor tō þām þēnum, Dōð swā hwæt swā hē ēow secge.[4]

6. Þǣr wǣron sōðlīce āset six stǣnene wæterfatu, æfter Iudea geclǣnsunge, ǣlc wæs on twēgra sestra gemete oððe on þrēora.[5]

7. Đā bēad sē Hǣlend þæt hig þā fatu mid wætere gefyldon. And hig gefyldon þā oþ þone brerd.

8. Đā cwæþ sē Hǣlend, Hladaþ nū, and berað þǣre drihte ealdre. And hī nāmon.

9. Đā sē drihte-ealdor þæs wīnes onbyrigde þe of þām wætere geworden was, hē nyste hwanon hyt cōm, - þā þēnas sōðlice wiston þe þæt water hlōdon; sē drihte-ealdor clypode þone brȳdguman,[6]

10. and cwæð tō him, Ǣlc man sylþ ǣrest gōd wīn, and þonne hig druncene bēoð, þæt þe wyrse byð; ðū gehēolde þæt gōde wīn oð þis.

11. Đis wæs þæt forme tācn þe sē Hǣlend

  1. A, giftum.
  2. A, geteorode; A, moder.
  3. A, hwæt ys þe and me.
  4. A, moder.
  5. Corp., æl, A, B, C, ælc.
  6. A, B, C, onbyrgde.
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