ii, i]
Secundum Iohannem
47. Đā geseah sē Hǣlend Nathanahel tō him cumendne, and cwæð be him, Hēr is Israhelisc wer, on ðām nis nān fācn.[1]
48. Đā cwæð Nathanahel tō him, Hwanon cūðest ðū mē? Þā andswarode sē Hǣlend and cwæð tō him, Ic geseah þē þā þū wāre under þām fīctreowe, ǣr ðām þe Philippus þē clypode.[2]
49. Him andswarode þā Nathanahel and ðus cwæð, Rabbi, þū eart Godes Sunu, and þū eart Israhela cing.[3]
50. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Þū gesyhst māre þonne þis sȳ, for ðām þe þū gelȳfdest ðā ic cwæð þæt ic gesāwe þē under þām fīctrēowe.
51. And hē sǣde him, Sōð ic secge ēow, Gē gesēoð opene heofonas, and Godes englas ūp stīgende and nyðer stīgende ofer mannes Sunu.[4]
1. On þām þriddan dæge wǣron gyfta gewordene on Chanaa Galilee; and þæs Hǣlendes mōdor wæs þǣr.[5]