I, 23]
Secundum Iohannem
and gyfu and sōþfæstnes is geworden þurh Hǣlend Crīst.
18. Ne geseah nǣfre nān mann God, būtan sē āncenneda Sunu hit cȳðde, sē is on his Fæder bearme.[1]
19. And þæt is Iohannes gewitnes:
Đā þā Iudeas sendon hyra sācerdas and hyra dīaconas fram Ierusalem tō him þæt hī āxsodon hine and þus cwǣdon, Hwæt eart þū?[2]
20. And hē cȳðde and ne wiðsōc, and þus cwæð, Ne eom ic nā Crīst.
21. And hig āxsodon hine and þus cwǣdon, Eart ðū Elias? And he cwæð, Ne eom ic hit. Đā cwǣdon hī, Eart ðū wītega? And hē andwyrde and cwæð, Nic.[3]
22. Hig cwǣdon tō him, Hwæt eart þū? þæt wē andwyrde bringon þām ðe ūs tō þē sendon. Hwæt segst þū be þē sylfum?[4]
23. Hē cwæð, Ic eom clypiendes stefn on wēstene, Gerihtað Drihtnes weg, swā sē witega Isaias cwæð.[5]