been "reduced by the dry season to a scanty rill, which took away more than half the beauties of the scene."[1]
It was dark when our travellers reached "the wretched inn" at Fort Augustus. Happily it was not in it that they were to lodge, for the governor invited them to sleep in his house. Of the fort, the rebels had made a bonfire on April 15, 1746, the day before Culloden, "to celebrate the Duke of Cumberland's birthday."[2] It had since been rebuilt and greatly strengthened, "being surrounded by two trenches filled with water, and having draw-bridges, strong
walls, and bastions."[3] Nothing is left of it. Where rough soldiers once carried things with a high hand, now smooth priests rule. On the site of the old fortifications which bore the second name of the butcher duke has been raised a college and monastery dedicated to St. Benedict. Johnson long remembered the rest which he enjoyed in the governor's hospitable home. Nearly four years later he recorded in his diary: "I passed the night in such sweet uninterrupted sleep as I have not known since I slept at Fort Augustus." The following year, writing to Boswell, he said, "The best night that I have had these twenty years was at Fort Augustus." From