cat to a woman, who sat very demurely at the board's end, till a mouse ran before her.[1] Therefore let a man either avoid the occasion altogether; or put himself often to it, that he may be little moved with it. A man's nature is best perceived in privateness,[2] for there is no affectation; in passion, for that putteth a man out of his precepts; and in a new case or experiment, for there custom leaveth him. They are happy men whose natures sort with their vocations; otherwise they may say, multum incola fuit anima mea[3] when they converse[4] in those things they do not affect.[5] In studies, whatsoever a man commandeth upon himself, let him set hours for it; but whatsoever is agreeable to his nature, let him take no care for any set times; for his thoughts will fly to it of themselves; so as the spaces of other business or studies will suffice. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds; therefore let him seasonably water the one, and destroy the other.
- ↑ Fables of Aesop and other Eminent Mythologists: with Morals and Reflexions. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. Fable LXI. A Cat and Venus.
- ↑ Privateness. Privacy.
- ↑ Psalms cxx. 6. Vulgate. In the Douay Bible of 1610 this verse is translated "My soul hath long been a sojourner"; in the Authorized Version, it is, "My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace."
- ↑ Converse. To deal with, or to be engaged in.
- ↑ Affect. To like.
"In brief, sir, study what you most affect."
Shakspere. The Taming of the Shrew. i. 1.