will take that part, except lie be like a seeled[1] dove, that mounts and mounts because he cannot see about him. There is use also of ambitious men in pulling down the greatness of any subject that overtops; as Tiberius used Macro[2] in the pulling down of Sejanus.[3] Since therefore they must be used in such cases, there resteth[4] to speak how they are to be bridled, that they may be less dangerous. There is less danger of them if they be of mean birth, than if they be noble; and if they be rather harsh of nature, than gracious and popular: and if they be rather new raised, than grown cunning[5] and fortified in their greatness. It is counted by some a weakness in princes to have favourites; but it is of all others the best remedy against ambitious great-ones. For when the way of pleasuring[6] and displeasuring[7] lieth by the favourite, it is impossible any other should be over-great. Another means to curb them, is to balance them by others as proud
- ↑ Seel. To close the eyes of. The eyes of a newly taken hawk were 'seeled' in training it.
- ↑ Naevius Sertorius Macro, killed 38 A.D., was prefect of the Roman pretorians under Tiberius and Caligula.
- ↑ Aelius Sejanus, died 31 A.D., Roman courtier under Augustus and Tiberius. His story is the subject of Ben Jonson's tragedy, Sejanus his Fall; when this play was first acted, in 1603, Shakspere was one of the "principal Tragoedians" who took part in the representation.
- ↑ Rest. To be left; to remain.
"Well then; nought rests
But that she fit her love now to her fortune."Ben Jonson. The Alchemist. iv. 2.
- ↑ Cunning. Skilful. "And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents." Genesis xxv. 27.
- ↑ Pleasure. To give pleasure to; to please.
"I count it one of my greatest afflictions, say, that I cannot pleasure such an honourable gentleman." Shakspere. Timon of Athens. iii. 2. - ↑ Displeasure. To displease, annoy.