Notes 29—31
Alberigo Gentili^30 For Gentili see Holland, Inaugural Lecture, 1874, and Dict. Nat. Biog. For his attack on canon law see De nuptiis, lib. I., c. 19. For his quarrel with the 'elegant' Frenchmen, see De iuris interpretibus dialogi sex. The defenders of the new learning and the mos Gallicus, as it was called, threw at their adversaries the word ' barbarian'; the retort of the conservative upholders of the mos Italicus was 'mere grammarian.' By expelling such men as the Gentilis, Italy forfeited her pre-eminence in the world of legal study. Nevertheless it is said that both in France and Germany the practical Roman law of the courts was for a long time the law of the 'Bartolist' tradition. Esmein (Histoire du droit français, ed. 2, p. 776) says: 'Cujas exerça sur le développement des théories de droit remain suivies en France une action beaucoup moins puissante que Du Moulin, et la filiation du romaniste Du Moulin n'est pas niable: par la forme comme par le fond, c'est le dernier des grands Bartolistes.'
Marsilianisni and Henricianism^31 Thomas Starkey, when he was trying to win over Reginald Pole to Henry's side, wrote thus: 'Thes thyngs I thynke schal be somewhat in your