Notes 71—73
Marshall and Blackstone.^72 Thayer, John Marshall, 1901, p. 6: 'When Marshall was about eighteen years old he began to study Blackstone…He seems to have found a copy of Blackstone in his father's house…Just now the first American edition was out (Philadelphia, 1771—2), in which the list of subscribers, headed by the name of "John Adams, barrister at law, Boston," had also that of "Captain Thomas Marshall, Clerk of Dunmore County."'
Roman law in America.^73 It may be interesting to notice that in 1856, and perhaps even in 1871, Sir H. Maine believed that the Code of Louisiana ('of all republications of Roman law the one which appears to us the clearest, the fullest, the most philosophical and the best adapted to the exigencies of modern society ') had a grand destiny before it in the United States. 'Now it is this code, and not the Common Law of England which the newest American States are taking for the substratum of their laws…The Roman law is, therefore, fast becoming the lingua franca of universal jurisprudence.' (Maine, Roman Law and Legal Education, 1856, reprinted in Village