Notes 58—60
über das ius germanicum anzukündigen und zu halten.'
Professorships in America.^59 Thayer, The Teaching of English Law at Universities in Harvard Law Review, vol. ix., p. 171: 'Blackstone's example was immediately followed here…In 1779…a chair of law was founded in Virginia at William and Mary College…and in the same year Isaac Royall of Massachusetts, then a resident in London, made his will, giving property to Harvard College for establishing there that professorship of law which still bears his name.' The Royall professorship was actually founded in 1815 (Officers and Graduates of Harvard, 1900, p. 24). At Cambridge (England) the Downing professorship was founded in 1800.
The Inns of Court.^60 See Records of the Honorable Society of Lincoln's Inn, 1896 ff.; Calendar of the Records of the Inner Temple, 1896. The records of Gray's Inn are, so I understand, to be published. See also Philip A. Smith, History of Education for the English Bar, 1860; Joseph Walton, Early History of Legal Studies in England, 1900, read at a meeting of the American Bar Association in 1899. In foreign countries there were gilds or fraternities