si contingat quod aliqui fuerint articuli de quibus adeo festinanter non possit inquiri prefigatur alius terminus competens ad inquisitionem illam rite faciendam. Ita tamen quod de aliis articulis de quibus sufficienter inquisitum fuerit nichilominus procedat consideratio sine dilacione prout secundum iustitiam fuerit faciendum. Et sciendum quod bene licebit domino Regi pro parte sua et similiter predicto comiti pro parte sua dicere et proponere coram prefatis inquisitoribus ea quae eis viderint competere et similiter salvis eisdem domino Regi et comiti rationabilibus calumpniis suis cum perventum fuerit ad considerationem faciendam quo ad personas eorum qui considerationi intererunt. Et sciendum quod predicti Archiepiscopus et Episcopi cum perventum fuerit ad considerationem faciendam quo ad personas eorum qui considerationi intererunt iuraverunt in verbo dei ad predictam inquisitionem fideliter et sine fictitia faciendam. Si vero omnes iidem Archiepiscopus et episcopi predicte inquisitioni interesse non possint quattuor eorum qui presentes fuerint ad inquisitionem illam faciendam procedant.
Early Notes of Fines
The Notes of Fines practically duplicate the information contained in the better-known Feet of Fines, and for this reason they have generally been used only to make good gaps or defects in the latter series. It has recently been observed, however, in the study of Fines by Sir H. C. Maxwell Lyte for Somersetshire and by Canon C. W. Foster for Lincolnshire,[1] that some of the earliest Notes have not been engrossed as Feet, and that these can be distinguished by the absence of endorsement with the letter 'H'.
The earliest Notes preserved are not dated, but mostly appear to belong to the latter part of the reign of Edward I. Then for a period, beginning in Easter term, 2 [Edward II], the day and regnal year are given, but not the name of the king. This first appears in Hilary term, 12–13 Edward III, and is regularly given afterwards.
The original files of Notes for Edward III and later are made up in terms, the covers usually being endorsed 'Note ingrossate' with the term. The only files for Edward II which still remain unbroken are made up in counties, with cover endorsements such as 'De omnibus annis Ed. II in com' Dors' '; the Notes being endorsed with the letter 'H', signifying engrossment. There are also some covers for early files endorsed 'Veteres note', 'Nove note', and 'Note ingrossande', which presumably contained Notes before engrossment. Although the files are broken, the two classes of Notes have been kept separate; those not engrossed belonging to the reigns of Edward I and II, and those
- ↑ Final Concords (Lincoln Record Society), II. xxiii.