It thus appears that Bertram's father has died, and that Bertram has paid a sum of money to take over the ministerium formerly exercised by his father. What this ministerium was is shown by the father's indebtedness pro forisfacturis comitatus, an item ordinarily chargeable only to a sheriff. Obviously, then, Bertram's father had held the office of sheriff for a year or period of years previous to Michaelmas 1128, at which time Bertram was already in office. Mr. Farrer supplies the name of Bertram's
father as Anschetill de Bulemer, and cites references to him in various writs and charters of Henry I.[1] Mr. Farrer states, without quoting his authority, that Anschetill did not die until 1129, and thinks that he probably continued in office up to his death. Against this suggestion should be placed the fact that Bertram accounts for the farm of the year 1128–9.
County unknown
Geoffrey Vicecomes de Pourhoi |
William Fitz Rannulf |
In the accounts of Devonshire, among the items of old business, occurs this entry:
Et Idem Vicecomes reddit compotum de .x. l. et .iij. s. et .iiij. d. de placitis Roberti Arundel de foresta. In thesauro .iij. s. et .iiij. d. Et in perdona per breve Regis Gaufrido Vicecomiti de Pourehoi .x. m. argenti. . . .[2]
In the accounts of Yorkshire occurs this entry:
Willelmus filius Rannulfi Vicecomes reddit compotum de .xx. m. argenti de eisdem placitis. In thesauro .x. m. argenti. Et debet .x. m. argenti.[3]
In the accounts of Huntingdonshire occur these entries:
Et Idem Vicecomes reddit compotum de .iiij. l. et .iiij. s. et .vj. d. de preterito danegeldo. In perdona per breve Regis Comiti Gloec' .xxxij. s. Comiti Morit' .xxxij. s. et .vj. d. Et debet .xx. s. Et remanet in terra Willelmi filii Rannulfi. . . . Willelmus filius Rannulfi debet .xviij. l. et .v. s. et .xj. d. de preteritis danegeldis et murdris et placitis et donis que requirebantur in terra sua de Cheneboltona.[4]
Curtis H. Walker.
The Death of Henry of Blois, Bishop of Winchester
IN the Register of Bishop John de Pontissara, as printed by the Canterbury and York Society,[5] is a dated charter of Henry II. which was unknown to Eyton. By it the king, at the request of Bishop Henry, confirms to the monks of St. Swithun certain manors which the bishop had recently restored to them; it was